Originally Posted by Skuu
It's just I've been talking to them for ages now and it would be extremely awkward to cancel, but you're right. I'm just in a kinda awkward position. What would you do? Thanks again.
If something threw up flags and made me uncomfortable, I would stop. Chances are it is nothing, but... If it turns out that they`re waiting for you to arrive to kill you... Would it comfort your family to know you went ahead even after you felt uncomfortable because it would have been awkward to cancel?
Again though, I would be perfectly straight with them. Tell them that without more detailed information you or your family does not feel comfortable with you staying there. If they are offering a homestay, they should expect this and not be offended in the least. There would be nothing awkward about cancelling it if they refuse to provide more information, and if they do then your concerns may be laid to rest.