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Panga 08-11-2011 10:19 AM

Drinking Water Tokyo
I had seen that the U.S. Embassy let return during April, but still with a warning about the 80 kilometer region Fukushima.

I had seen a report on the computer internet about some concern about water contamination in the Tokyo area from Fukushima. With this consideration, I was wondering about what they are saying about the drinking water there now.

JBaymore 08-11-2011 12:44 PM

It has been fine for a long time.



Lonthego 08-11-2011 05:03 PM

I watch Japanese news everyday and there hasn't been anything at all about the water. Only about contaminated beef, and potentially contaminated rice, etc.

Polar 08-11-2011 08:30 PM

It's a non issue, seriously !

WingsToDiscovery 08-11-2011 09:06 PM

I've been drinking it for 4 days straight and no anomalies to report so far ;)

RodPurnell21 10-10-2011 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by Panga (Post 875615)
I had seen that the U.S. Embassy let return during April, but still with a warning about the 80 kilometer region Fukushima.

I had seen a report on the computer internet about some concern about water contamination in the Tokyo area from Fukushima. With this consideration, I was wondering about what they are saying about the drinking water there now.

sorry..! but i didn't find this news anywhere. But if you read this anywhere so no prob,if you can provide link it would be great..:vsign:

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