Hi Everyone!
This is my first time posting here in the forum.
I actually registered just so I could ask this particular question, because it's been bothering me for a while and I need to know some information before I can make a decision... I'm a college student considering studying abroad in Japan, in Kyoto, but I have been having doubts because of the Fukushima tragedy that happened. The study abroad option to Japan is still open, but that doesn't necessarily mean that travel is fully safe. The effects of radiation cannot be detected until many, many years have passed, and the European news media, as well as a certain professor in Japan (from an article I read), have been warning people who intend to travel there. In terms of radiation, of course it will be the most dangerous near the source, but the radiation I am more concerned about is the one contained in food and water, which is difficult to monitor. Well, since I'm no physics or chemistry expert, what do you think? It would help greatly if you are confident in your knowledge, or have read articles from a variety of sources.
At first, I was simply researching to persuade my parents not to worry about me, but then, I somehow started to worry myself, because I was truly looking forward to this trip. Thanks for reading!