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typing 02-01-2008 03:13 AM

Komiket, Not what you may think
Well I went to Komiket, or "Comic Market" as it is called the summer of 2007. So here's the Con Report. (names heve been changed to protect the non-otaku)

The day started a little late, I woke up, got into my cosplay outfit, stepped outside and went right back in to get changed into something cooler. Whew! Sugoi Atsui!!

Eri, the day's driver, was late to come get me anyway because she had to drive her mom to the clinic (she's okay, just checkup) because her brother bailed on her. (brat)

We met up with Nari and went to Big Site (Bic Site?? I couldn't understand what they called it) I was amazed at the size of it all, and the sheer amount of geeks there.
Nari told me that every day around one million people went through Komiket (so about 3 million people altogeather) and it sure felt like it.

40C 100% hureally wasn't big enough for a million people.

Oh and there's no air conditioning. X_X

I saw some of the Con staff wearing these strange shirts which pumped cool air on the inside, one cosplayer was covered in "Cool wrap" bandages (I had one on my back)
Fortunetly I was smart and brought folding fans for everyone and a bottle of ice but while the fans were appreciated, the ice turned into warm water after about an hour.

There is a rather big difference between North American con's and Comiket, Comiket is dedicated souly to Doujinshi (Fan Comics) so there is no Anime being shown, no guest talks, nothing but the large flea market of comics. So unless you speak Japanese and are interested in Douji, it's not really the Mecca of Conventions.

Over all I would like to go again (another fault with the con was Eri and Nari have no interest in Anime anything. And yet Nori works at Bandai and Eri works at an Animation company, go fig...) perhapse once my Japanese get's better and I can read the comics.

Ce'la vie!

How about everyone else, anyone else go to Komiket? What did you think?

samurai007 02-01-2008 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by typing (Post 383703)
Well I went to Komiket, or "Comic Market" as it is called the summer of 2007. So here's the Con Report. (names heve been changed to protect the non-otaku)

The day started a little late, I woke up, got into my cosplay outfit, stepped outside and went right back in to get changed into something cooler. Whew! Sugoi Atsui!!

Eri, the day's driver, was late to come get me anyway because she had to drive her mom to the clinic (she's okay, just checkup) because her brother bailed on her. (brat)

We met up with Nari and went to Big Site (Bic Site?? I couldn't understand what they called it) I was amazed at the size of it all, and the sheer amount of geeks there.
Nari told me that every day around one million people went through Komiket (so about 3 million people altogeather) and it sure felt like it.

40C 100% hureally wasn't big enough for a million people.

Oh and there's no air conditioning. X_X

I saw some of the Con staff wearing these strange shirts which pumped cool air on the inside, one cosplayer was covered in "Cool wrap" bandages (I had one on my back)
Fortunetly I was smart and brought folding fans for everyone and a bottle of ice but while the fans were appreciated, the ice turned into warm water after about an hour.

There is a rather big difference between North American con's and Comiket, Comiket is dedicated souly to Doujinshi (Fan Comics) so there is no Anime being shown, no guest talks, nothing but the large flea market of comics. So unless you speak Japanese and are interested in Douji, it's not really the Mecca of Conventions.

Over all I would like to go again (another fault with the con was Eri and Nari have no interest in Anime anything. And yet Nori works at Bandai and Eri works at an Animation company, go fig...) perhapse once my Japanese get's better and I can read the comics.

Ce'la vie!

How about everyone else, anyone else go to Komiket? What did you think?

I went to a con in Osaka, not Tokyo, when I was there. They had tons and tons of statues, displays, and dioramas of comic characters. The comic dealer's area was quite small by US standards, everyone put together was only a little more selection than a single decent manga shop would have. It was interesting, but I prefer US style cons more...

I have quite a few pictures of the statues and dioramas, if anyone wants to see them. Did you take lots of pictures at Komiket?

typing 02-01-2008 03:33 AM

Not too many pictures, as there really wasn't anything to take pictures of. I didn't buy the cosplay pass so where I snuck a few shots on my tiny camera (bwahaha Who needs rules, I'm a Gaijin!) Nari told me to stop it before I got caught. >_<

I don't have any loaded onto the net but the best picture I remember is the wall of people moving down the escalator, It was like a waterfall. Terifying and yet majestic.

Drotho 06-17-2009 09:15 PM

Not sure if you knew this but they have an event when all cosplayers gather for pictures on the high floors and they also have company booth with all the popular animes like Lucky star.

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