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chochobird 03-06-2012 06:08 PM

Awesome "film" about Japan!! \(^o\) (/o^)/
Hey guys~

So my Japanese friend made this really really good film when he went to Japan and it includes a list of places/festivals etc he went to in the info box! A must watch for anyone who's wants to find out more about Japan or visit there so I thought I would post it here :onismile:
He also makes vlogs about weird/funny Japanese news ;)

Japan - A film by Momo Ushido (with English Subtitles) - YouTube

Let me know what you guys think!!~

(´・ω・`)# Cho x

spicytuna 03-09-2012 08:33 AM


In case you haven't noticed, this forum is dead.

The moderators have long since left and the owners have allowed it to become a testing ground for spammers.

Everyone has moved to Japanologic Forums • Portal

chochobird 03-17-2012 02:23 PM

oh.. haha thank you for letting me know! ^^;

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