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carljohnson 02-25-2008 01:55 PM

check out some my anime artwork
at myspace.com/garrarock

LittleFallenAngel 02-25-2008 01:58 PM

Excuse me,
But why did you make 4 times the same threat??...=x..

Excessum 02-25-2008 02:02 PM

Because he/it is a spammer and he/it naively hopes that by making 4 seperate threads, they are going to survive any longer than just one, i assume.

LittleFallenAngel 02-25-2008 02:06 PM

I guess you are right with that Excessum.
If he/It thinks the 4 same threads are going to survive,
Then i guess he/it is wrong.:rolleyes:

Tyrien 02-25-2008 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Excessum (Post 410919)
Because he/it is a spammer and he/it naively hopes that by making 4 seperate threads, they are going to survive any longer than just one, i assume.

He's probably on dial-up. Why would a spammer take the time to change from the first topic made?

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