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Kertzz 03-18-2007 06:02 PM

Japanese painting
I don't know it I missed it or you have not jet pointed out the WONDEFUL japanese paintings called Suibokuga or Sumie - I think.

Its just a mistery how they control the brush so well, I mean if you paint on silk with ink there is no chance to correct anything you have done! (: They just look so wonderful both in composition and colors (if there are any) and texture and well .. in everything :D

So I will post some pictures to here, To broaden all of your wonderful minds.

(I found them from google :rolleyes: )

musashi 03-18-2007 06:07 PM

I like these....they are very pretty! I wish i could do that......

CoolNard 03-18-2007 06:08 PM

Wow, what delicate yet confident brushstrokes... The vividness of the paintings' textures.. Another reason for me to love Japan I guess... :D Excellent thread, Kertzz! :D

musashi 03-18-2007 06:09 PM

Yes, very excellent thread!

CoolNard 03-19-2007 05:37 AM

Found these on the net too. ^_^ Just thought I'd contribute my two-cents.

AoshiShinomori 03-19-2007 06:53 AM

Wow! I didn't know such a thing existed until now... The paintings are beautiful... Really nice topic Kertzz... and nice pics nard-kun.

Two thumbs way up for this thread! :vsign:

Kertzz 03-21-2007 04:25 PM

Oh wow Thank you guys!! (this made me wanna come back here as ofthen as i can :p )

Oooh I love the picture with the bridge that CoolNard posted :o So pretty colors !!! :rheart:

When I was looking for some examples to post here I found some pages that kinda introduced how the brush is used in the ink-paintings. I have to say it is a seperate branch of knowledge (I got this saying from the dictionary-don't kill me if its wrong :D). All the different types of ink you use and different brushes and aghhh... tons of things to know.

CoolNard 03-21-2007 04:31 PM

No problem, Kertzz! :D

differnet ink, brushes, techniques... Feel free to post any of those info here ^_^ Frankly, I'm pretty curious as well =P

Ayame90 03-29-2007 06:17 PM

Ur alwayz curios ,aren't Nard?

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