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dogsbody70 09-22-2010 10:09 AM

Love them== especially the top one, it has so much fluidity. thanks Ryurui

also love the last coloured one too.

dogsbody70 09-22-2010 10:13 AM

How do you get that green effect on the black background?

ryuurui 09-22-2010 01:33 PM

Ah it was done in picture editor, same as the character for "path", thats a negative.

ryuurui 09-23-2010 05:20 PM

three more I wrote yesterday, same expression but various styles.

無事 is a phrase from Zen philisophy, which lit. means "no thing", as in no disturbance (both mental and physical), quietness, peace.

ryuurui 09-24-2010 02:57 PM

勢い vigor, impetus, momentum, energy, spirit, etc

ryuurui 09-24-2010 04:44 PM

桜 ー cherry blossom

Columbine 09-24-2010 04:59 PM

I LOVE that one for 道. Fabulous work; the character almost looks like a galleon sailing off into the distance. サクラ too. It looks to me like two trees on either side of a stream, with the falling petals.

ryuurui 09-24-2010 05:06 PM

Thanks Columbine :)
Beautifully said.
Artists look at calligraphy in a refreshing way.
I see the galleon now. It appeared to me three dimensional, though, have not looked at it this way.

With the sakura, the hardest bit was to make the white page pink, as i am color blind lol. :D

ryuurui 09-27-2010 05:24 PM

響 echo in 3 styles: 楷書、行書、草書

勢 vigor, momentum, impact
same as above but in large scale, character has over a meter in height.

ryuurui 09-27-2010 05:27 PM

龍従雲 dragon accompanying coulds

both in running script, but two slightly different approaches.

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