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www.shodopedia.com - online linked calligraphy dictionary -
11-15-2011, 02:07 PM
Latest project of Beyond Calligraphy is shodopedia. The aim is to explain all those calligraphy specific terms that are usually difficult to define or comprehend. All our articles will be linked back to it and vice versa. We predict to create some 1000+ links. Currently there are around 300 terms explained, though we are still in a process of uploading pictures for each of them.
Link to the site Shodopedia - The Calligraphy Wiki Main/Home Page List of terms: A / A AgedInk AgeOfTheBambooSlip AnhuiProvince Anyang AsukaPeriod Avant-gardeCalligraphy RecentChanges B / B BambooSlips BanpoVillage Bati Bokuchi Bokudo Bokuju Bokuseki Bokusho Brush BunboShiho Bunchin Byobu RecentChanges C / C CalligraphySage CalligraphyScript CaoWeiDynasty Chaboku Changsha ChengniClayInkstone ChineseCharacter ChinwanHo Chochuten Chowatai ClericalScript CloudPaper ColouredInk CrabPincer CursiveScript RecentChanges Category? / GroupFooter D / D Daiten DamaidiCarvings DiagramOfTheBrushBattle Do Dojo DraftScript DragonBone DuanInkstone RecentChanges E / E EasternZhouDynasty EdoMoji EdoPeriod EightPrinciplesOfTheCharacter EijiHappo Enpitsu Erya RecentChanges F / F FacingAPond FarEasternCalligraphy FeiBai FlyingWhite FoldingScreen FourTreasuresOfTheStudy Fude Fudemaki FudeOki RecentChanges G / G GansuProvince GenjiMonogatari Ginboku GoldenDaoSword GooseTail GrassScript GreatSealScript GuangdongProvince GyakunyuHeishutsu Gyokaisho Gyoki Gyokuzuki Gyosho Gyososho RecentChanges H / H HairsOfLife Hakubun Hakuin HanDynasty HangingArmTechnique HangingScroll Hanko Hansetsu Hanshi HappunRei Hara HardenedInk HeianPeriod Hentaigana HiddenSpear Hikkan Hiragana Horsewhip HunanProvince RecentChanges I / I IchijiIppa Ideogram ImageOfInk InkGrindingMachine InkPainting InkRubbing Inkstone InkstoneShore InkstoneTemple InkstoneWell Inochige IntaglioSeal Irogami IronPole ItachikeFude RecentChanges J / J JadeTable JinDynasty Josho RecentChanges K / K Kaiseki Kaisho Kaiso KaiwanHo Kakehimo Kakejiku Kakemono KamakuraPeriod Kami Kana Kanji Kansubon KarayoShodou Kasure Kata Katakana KatameFude Ken KenwanHo KikkoJukotsuMoji Kinboku Kinto Koboku Kofude Koga Kokeiboku Konso Koshi KuangCao Kumogami RecentChanges L / L LantingjiXu LiquidInk LogographicWritingSystem RecentChanges M / M MadZhangAndCrazyMonk MakiFude Manyogana MaoBianPaper MaturePaper MianPaper Mokkan MovingSpirit Mushin RecentChanges N / N NaraPeriod NeolithicEra NewStoneAgeEra NineForcesEssay Nodo Nushu RecentChanges O / O O-ieRyu Ofude OilLampSootBasedInk Onnade OracleBoneScript Orijo Otokode RecentChanges P / P Paper PaperWeight Peck Petroglyph Pictograph PineSootBasedInk PrefaceToThePoems Q / Q QinDynasty QingDynasty QuanRong RecentChanges R / R Radical RawPaper RecentChanges RegularScript Reisho ReliefSeal Renmentai RhinocerosHorn RicePaper Rinsho Rinzai Roku Ryaku S / RecentChanges S SabakiFude Sado Saikaku Saku Sakuhin Sanpitsu Sanseki SealCarving SealScript Sei Sekijiro Sekkobun SemiCursiveScript SemiMaturePaper SemiRawPaper Sen Shakyo ShandongProvince ShangDynasty SheInkstone ShengTsao Shiboku Shikishi ShingonSect ShiriboneTailbone Shitajiki Sho Shodou ShoenBoku Shofu Shoso Shotai Shoten Shuboku Shubun Shufa SilkCalligraphy SilkwormHead SlaveScript SmallSealScript Sogana Soku Sosho SpringAndAutumnPeriod Stelae StoneDrumInscriptions SuiDynastyPeriod Suiteki Sumi SumiE Sumisuriki Suzuri SuzuriArai Suzuriku Syllabary Shodo? / RecentChanges Shodou Site / AllRecentChanges AuthForm AuthUser BlogIt-SkinTemplate-dropshadow EditForm EditQuickReference GroupAttributes PageActions PageListTemplates PageNotFound Preferences RecentChanges Search SideBar Site SiteFooter SiteHeader SiteNav UploadQuickReference XLPage-dropshadow T / RecentChanges T Takuhon TakuKinto TakuPeck TaleOfGenji TangDynasty TaoheInkstone TeaCeremony Tehon TeiwanHo Teki Ten Tenkoku Tensho TerakoyaSchool Tetchu ThreeBrushes ThreeKingdomsPeriod TigerFang Tokonoma TorikeFude TwoWangs U / RecentChanges V / RecentChanges V VoidHeart W / RecentChanges W WarringStatesPeriod Washi WaterContainer WayoShodo WesternZhouDynasty WoodCalligraphy X / RecentChanges X XiaDynasty XiZiTa XuanchengCity XuanPaper XuanZhou Y / RecentChanges Y YamausagiFude Yang YangshaoCulture YellowRiver Yin YomoFude YuenBoku Z / RecentChanges Z Zen-eiShodo ZenCalligraphy Zenshi Zhou Zoho |
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