Originally Posted by bleachking625
I do fashion design and everyone always tells me id be better in japan than over in the usa. i was wonderin if even my art style would come into fruition over in japan..in which ive had plans ago. my myspace is [url]www.myspace.com/morphine_vicious. i have a slideshow on it lol and pics
Do you do actual fashion design or do you draw anime/manga girls in clothes?
Im confused, not to be rude, but i didnt find any fashion on your site- maybe i didnt look in the right place im not proficient with myspace.
If you mean you do fashion illustration- then great!! A girl i went to art uni' with does that for a living now- its damn good $$ if you can score the gig- though ive never seen anime style used to depict clothing. generally you have to be really stupidly good at rendering fabrics and textures- because thats the business. Cloth is super important, and it always seems like the people who succeed at fashion illustration dont really do so well drawing faces or expressions- I suppose because those arent the "meat" of their jobs.
Good drawings though!!

keep going!!!!