Hi! Iv'e noticed alot of people asking about hair styles and such and i was wandering if anyone here could give some advise. Ive never really bothered with my hair much, but now i really want a nice style. I quite like long hair styles (in Male terms), but my hair is quite short and im not sure how long it would take to grow to shoulder lenghth. I also have VERY thick hair and it becomes annoying when i see thin hair types with a hair flowing in the wind, with my hair just becoming a bulge on my head when i try to grow it.
The problem i have is that if i grow my hair, i get a large bulge of hair on top that looks silly, and i cant grow my hair over my ears because they stick out to much. Ive heard people talk about "thinning" their hair but im not sure what this is. Please Help!!!
I like this hair style alot!