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Obscene 03-15-2008 06:36 AM

Fashion - Hard to find clothes x.x
I know that for some of us, it's difficult to get the Visual Kei, or Japanese look. Since the clothes aren't always so easy to get in some places, such as America where it seems that they've never even heard of it. -_-

ANYWAYS, I found this site the other day, completely by accident, and it ships to other places. Well, primarily Europe, and America; or at least, that's all I know as of now.

It's got great Visual Kei, Lolita, Kawaii, and Punk things. Plus, they sell random other things as well. Though, we all know that the clothes are the best part. xP


Some of it's expensive, but some of it is also really cheap. :)

DivineBled 03-15-2008 07:00 AM

yeah LK is a great place. most of my band gear is from there.

Obscene 03-15-2008 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by DivineBled (Post 428044)
yeah LK is a great place. most of my band gear is from there.

Band gear? Like what?
I didn't see any band gear, yet I wasn't really looking for that. xP

DivineBled 03-15-2008 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Obscene (Post 428045)
Band gear? Like what?
I didn't see any band gear, yet I wasn't really looking for that. xP

no. clothes for my International Visual Kei **we created this version** band.

hahah, sorry for the confusion. I have my namesake shirt **Bloody Shirt**

Obscene 03-15-2008 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by DivineBled (Post 428047)
no. clothes for my International Visual Kei **we created this version** band.

hahah, sorry for the confusion. I have my namesake shirt **Bloody Shirt**

OH. Now I get it. xD

Thanks for clearing that up.

alinde 03-24-2008 01:01 PM

Lolita-Kisama is great ^^ But the shipping is very expensive ;/

HiKO 03-24-2008 01:11 PM

What do you think of this shop?
Cosmates - Japanese Costumes & Gothic Lolita Dresses Store -

They have some lovely lolita and japanese fashion here ;)

alinde 03-24-2008 01:23 PM

Right now I'm thinking about ordering clothes from this site AsiaJam.com - Asian Fashion, Japanese Street Wear & Accessories but i have no money x.x so I have to save som first xP

bliinvisible 03-24-2008 03:57 PM

there is also

AsiaJam.com - Asian Fashion, Japanese Street Wear & Accessories - Japan Kawaii, Korean Teens, Hong Kong


Urban Clothing


Sex Pot ReVeNGe / CDJapan

yuujirou 03-25-2008 06:36 AM

what i find most effective, just buy what you can where you are, and then purchase small alterations online; say from lokisa, or cdjapan and what not >.>"


Glasses = Express [$40.00]
Shirt = Men's Express 1MX Size Medium; tailored w/ waist to 29" [$49.99 + $14.00 for tailoring]
Belt = Men's Express Double Side Belt [$29.99]
Pants = Aeropostale Original Boot Cuts [$30.00]
Cuffs = Lokisa's La Reine Visu Wrist Bracelet [$29.00]
Earrings = 3 separate earrings that i found at local stores; cut, snipped, and re-pieced together w/ my own chain from hobby lobby [$30.00]
Choker = Something i grabbed from school dance group
Make-up = MAC Studio Tech Foundation [$27.90]

As you can see...over half of what i wore was from the local mall ^_^
i'll have more pics coming soon and i'll post them up when i can >.>

nerdiegurl 03-25-2008 09:15 AM

Thnx for the link ^^ It looks reli awesome!
O_O I'm gonna be addicted to this site now xD

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