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alinde 03-23-2008 12:13 PM

J-clothes in Sweden?
Does anyone any j shops in Sweden? :) I dress very colourfull and with much details and stuff,and ihaven't seen any shop in Sweden that sells that kind of thing :P

Sorry for my very bad English x_o I'm mutch better at talking,i spell like an idiot xD

Watakushi 03-23-2008 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by alinde (Post 434540)
Does anyone any j shops in Sweden? :) I dress very colourfull and with much details and stuff,and ihaven't seen any shop in Sweden that sells that kind of thing :P

Sorry for my very bad English x_o I'm mutch better at talking,i spell like an idiot xD

Dona's shop in sthlm has very cute things. Uhm, i dunno the name of the street but it lies on söder XD A small street in the beginning of götgatan (or is it the end? o_O). lolz.

alinde 03-23-2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Watakushi (Post 434559)
Dona's shop in sthlm has very cute things. Uhm, i dunno the name of the street but it lies on söder XD A small street in the beginning of götgatan (or is it the end? o_O). lolz.

Okay :P I will try to get there,if i'm not losing myself on the way xP I really don't understand the streets in sthlm o.O

iTwisted 03-23-2008 06:34 PM

Where in sweden do you live? If you just want colourful and egl stuff theres a lot of shops in sthlm, rockzone being the most well known maybe, but to explain where it is.. If you walk straingt from sergels torg towards gamla stan it's on that street.. and some other shops as well if you continue to gamla stan..

alinde 03-23-2008 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by iTwisted (Post 434692)
Where in sweden do you live? If you just want colourful and egl stuff theres a lot of shops in sthlm, rockzone being the most well known maybe, but to explain where it is.. If you walk straingt from sergels torg towards gamla stan it's on that street.. and some other shops as well if you continue to gamla stan..

I live quite near sthlm,and i've been inte some shops at gamla stan,but I don't like that shops so much ;/ but maybe if i go there again,and have some time to look around (which i didn't have when i was there)

iTwisted 03-23-2008 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by alinde (Post 434705)
I live quite near sthlm,and i've been inte some shops at gamla stan,but I don't like that shops so much ;/ but maybe if i go there again,and have some time to look around (which i didn't have when i was there)

Well, when I was there last time they did have some stuff, though it's very expensive and most of it goes in the coulours red/black (wich is kinda boring), but you can find some nice things ^^

But besides that there's always the internet :) Ebay and tradera :P

alinde 03-24-2008 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by iTwisted (Post 434892)
Well, when I was there last time they did have some stuff, though it's very expensive and most of it goes in the coulours red/black (wich is kinda boring), but you can find some nice things ^^

But besides that there's always the internet :) Ebay and tradera :P

They had some things,but the most was very dark colours as you said :P

I have orderd things from lolita kisama,I think they are very good,and not very expensive,but the shipping was x_x

iMBATMAN 04-07-2008 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by alinde (Post 434540)
Does anyone any j shops in Sweden? :) I dress very colourfull and with much details and stuff,and ihaven't seen any shop in Sweden that sells that kind of thing :P

Sorry for my very bad English x_o I'm mutch better at talking,i spell like an idiot xD

Isn't it a new store in stockholm? Japan something? x3

iTwisted 04-24-2008 08:35 PM

I found a list of some shops ^^ :

Shoppa japanskt

» Dona's Shop
Vad? Hello Kitty är Japans mest älskade nationalsymbol. I Dona's Shop hittar du katten och andra söta symboler på alla möjliga och omöjliga ting.
Var? St Paulsgatan 3.
» Florida
Vad? En hel butik tillägnad den karismatiska katten Hello Kitty.
Var? Södermannagatan 21.

» Sun Ai Japan Shop
Vad? I Japan Shop hittar du allt ifrån japansk litteratur till mangakit för nybörjare och lyckobringande amuletter.allt ifrån japansk litteratur till mangakit för nybörjare och lyckobringande amuletter.
Var? Tegnérgatan 15.

» Tokyo Stop
Vad? I butiken finner du allt du behöver för att transformeras från en småtrist musgrå svenne till en fullfjädrad Harajukupingla. Lolitamode blandas med diverse accessoarer samt musik, spel och annat.
Var? Frejgatan 17.

I hope that it helps a little ^^ One of those might not be clothes I'm not sure, " allt ifrån blahblah, till blah blah" isn't a very good description :P

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