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-   -   What are your favourite make-up brands??? (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-fashion/14955-what-your-favourite-make-up-brands.html)

xnamelessx 04-25-2008 01:14 PM

What are your favourite make-up brands???
Hello Again!!:ywave:

As you may have noticed, I have been doing alot of these threads with polls.
im just interested to know what people think of different things and what is liked out there! xD

So, bsically let me know what make-up is in and whats out lol.


Make sure look at the other threads and complete the polls!!!

:vsign: xNameLessX aka Sarah San ;)

tokyoscgirl21 04-25-2008 02:14 PM

I'm a Rimmel brat!! I love there makeup

MariYa 04-26-2008 10:59 AM

I like MAC lipgloss in "C-thru*(AA7) with lip pencil "honey B"
for eyeliners I use Lancome khole in "black ebony" and "black coffee". For mascara - I like Diorshow in a new color called "blackout". Its really really black (darker than the regular black). for under eye concealer I use "Smashbox camera ready concealer " in 5.0.
Eye brows--"New Born Lasting W brow" in LB1 color ( Japanese brand, really good. It has a pencil side and liquid liner on the opposite end so it really defines brows)
For face powder I use either Dior Snow pressed powder in beige (when Im pale) and Clinique stay-matte oil free powder in 03 (stay beige).
for cheeks I use Nars in " orgasm" (pinkish) and "laguna" (bronzer) colors

NanteNa 04-26-2008 04:25 PM

GOSH! *Q* They make the BEST waterproof kôhl in the world!!

Suki 04-26-2008 04:31 PM

Estée Lauder!

Clinique and Maybelline (L'Oréal) would come close.

xnamelessx 04-27-2008 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 473375)
GOSH! *Q* They make the BEST waterproof kôhl in the world!!

i have to try that actually. i was gonna put Gosh in the poll but ... i dunno why i didnt lol:mtongue:

xnamelessx 04-27-2008 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Suki (Post 473378)
Estée Lauder!

Clinique and Maybelline (L'Oréal) would come close.

I totally Love Estee Lauder lol. :vsign:

xnamelessx 04-27-2008 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by MariYa (Post 473221)
I like MAC lipgloss in "C-thru*(AA7) with lip pencil "honey B"
for eyeliners I use Lancome khole in "black ebony" and "black coffee". For mascara - I like Diorshow in a new color called "blackout". Its really really black (darker than the regular black). for under eye concealer I use "Smashbox camera ready concealer " in 5.0.
Eye brows--"New Born Lasting W brow" in LB1 color ( Japanese brand, really good. It has a pencil side and liquid liner on the opposite end so it really defines brows)
For face powder I use either Dior Snow pressed powder in beige (when Im pale) and Clinique stay-matte oil free powder in 03 (stay beige).
for cheeks I use Nars in " orgasm" (pinkish) and "laguna" (bronzer) colors

Kll chioces.. i love Dior and Mac. Have you ever tried Ready to Wear make up by one of the founder of Mac Phillipe Chansel i think his name is...:vsign:

xnamelessx 04-27-2008 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by tokyoscgirl21 (Post 472270)
I'm a Rimmel brat!! I love there makeup

I love the Xmas gift sets xD:ywave:

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