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KeywiiKate 04-25-2008 02:36 PM

clarify plz harajuku
hey everyone its me again thanks for the info so far im getting more educated bout harajuku :D :ywave:

i just want someone to help me figure out which harajuku style is which?
I know about the goth-lolita, decora and kawii,.. but what are these?

  • gyaru
  • manba/mamba
  • kogals

any other major ones i missed? please give a brief description of as many as you can, in terms of clothes, what/why theyre expressing this particular one etc.
thanks! :)

MissMisa 04-25-2008 02:41 PM

Visual Kei

'Visual Kei (ヴィジュアル系, vijuaru kei?) refers to a movement among Japanese musicians,[1][2] that is characterized by the use of eccentric, sometimes flamboyant looks. This usually involves striking make-up, unusual hair styles and elaborate costumes, often, but not always, coupled with androgynous aesthetics.[3][4] Some sources state that Visual Kei refers to a music genre, or to a sub-genre of J-rock (a term referring to Japanese rock in general [5][6]), with its own particular sound, related to glam-rock, punk and metal, and with strong emphasis on its unique style of dress; [7] [8] [9] [10] and some sources state that Visual Kei's unique clothing and make-up fashions, and participation in the related sub-culture, is equally as important as the sound of the music itself in the use of the term.'

masaegu 04-25-2008 02:57 PM

How about an introductory video...

MissMisa 04-25-2008 03:01 PM

Hmm, I was thinking of making a documenty about Gothic Lolita. That would be cool :D

Aoiru 04-25-2008 03:09 PM

In english it is "gal" but becouse japanese cannot say it well, it is changed to Gyaru. A japanese dream girl is dark hair, light skin, elegant and quiet. A gyaru style was to be not at all like it. It is ligh hair, dark skin, light make-up and a wild attitude. Gyaru can be find the most is from Shibuya 109, a shopping-centre in Shibuya. Because in 109 there is many shops for gyaru to shop. A guyaru likes to show a lot skin, therefore short pants, short skirts and other is usually wear.
A gyuary usually wears gyaru-brands (like LIPSERVICE, JSG..etc).
There is a magazine to gyaru called egg. The models in it are very famous in Japan. :)

It is related to gyaru-style. It is oerdoing ganguro-style. A more dark skin, a more light make-up. Manba usually wears gyaru-brands but can use kigurumi too. This style is now not popular in Japan.

It is like gyaru but uses high school clothes. blond hair, dark skin, short high school skirt, loose socks.

I hope it was learned. ^o^V

masaegu 04-25-2008 03:19 PM

The male counterparts.....

xnamelessx 04-25-2008 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by KeywiiKate (Post 472304)
hey everyone its me again thanks for the info so far im getting more educated bout harajuku :D :ywave:

i just want someone to help me figure out which harajuku style is which?
I know about the goth-lolita, decora and kawii,.. but what are these?

  • gyaru
  • manba/mamba
  • kogals

any other major ones i missed? please give a brief description of as many as you can, in terms of clothes, what/why theyre expressing this particular one etc.
thanks! :)

i dont know to much about them reli :vsign:

xnamelessx 04-25-2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by masaegu (Post 472334)
How about an introductory video...

That vid is quite informative! i didnt know Jonathan Ross Could speak Japanese lol :vsign:

xnamelessx 04-25-2008 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Aoiru (Post 472345)
In english it is "gal" ...^o^V

I though Gyaru in essence meant Bad girl as in the style name... if u no what i mean:vsign:

Aoiru 04-25-2008 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by xnamelessx (Post 472507)
I though Gyaru in essence meant Bad girl as in the style name... if u no what i mean:vsign:

e? bad girl? In a way it is a bad girl, yes.

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