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-   -   Help me with my Goth/Rock Star Look (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-fashion/17399-help-me-my-goth-rock-star-look.html)

BakaCrisis 07-19-2008 01:14 AM

Help me with my Goth/Rock Star Look
Okies, so the convention I am going to attend is August 1-3. I want to pull off this almost.. gothich look and I got a general idea of what I want.

This is just what it looks like, not the full thing, I actually plan to not wear braids and have my hair straightend. YOu know... falling down. So, is there anything else you would add so I could complete this thing? :rolleyes:

I am aiming for something like this guy

EveV 07-19-2008 01:51 AM

I dunno man.
You look good as is. o.O
Don't put any make up on..that'll look so duumb
Maybe some black and white sex bracelets going all the way to your elbow?
A belt like this.
I have one doesn't look right on me and it's way to big.
Not only is it like a belt when you strap it over your chest it looks like a load of bullets.
Loose Bullet Belt @ Hottopic.com

jdragon 07-19-2008 02:00 AM

Maybe u could add boots
a choker....
if u don't already have em.

Aota 07-19-2008 02:26 AM


Some spike bracelets. Maybe one skull ring? Maybe some colored hair spray, maybe. Leather boots do sound good. Hot Topic has Demona boots I think. Buy a tight, like Underarmour or whatever, shirt and rip it a little.

Do you have an idea of what I mean when I say those really cool metal finger thingies? I dunno what they're called, but they'd compliment a gothic outfit if you did it right.

That's all I know. Have fun at the thingy! :)

Sutiiven 07-19-2008 02:34 AM

check martial art stores

BakaCrisis 07-19-2008 02:40 AM

I like the belt idea! also the chokers dont sound too bad either. Thanks everyone for your suggestions

yuujirou 07-19-2008 05:27 AM

just need more accessories xD
maybe a bit of make up~

like maybe use some silver eyeliner too draw in a couple tear drops~
or some decoration round your eyes >.>'

Laine 07-19-2008 06:48 AM

get rid of the vest! i think it's tacky, man. the pants are nice. add some studded belts, some chains. a black shirt would be better, something tight. and definitely get some heavy boots. make up too, optionally (black eyeliner, black eyeshadow, black mascara possibly)

honestly, i don't know what resources you have, though. are you in a city? usually metropolitan areas have districts of goth, punk, etc clothing shops (for example, new york's st. mark's place) where you can buy all the leather and metal your heart could desire.

gloomth 07-19-2008 02:11 PM

Alright. This is more my strength than Lolita and such, since Im goth. :)

I looove the look youre aiming for. Here are some things to consider:

-are you going to wear makeup? Black Eyeliner on boys looks uber hot. Or you could use a bit of white as well for a sharp contrast eye.

-Do you want to really replicate that look in the pic? Youll need a vinyl top and trousers and nice boots.

-Hardware. That look is complex and gorgeous. Youll need metal accessories galore! You can make belts out of the large keyring loops or buy them. Bullet belts, grommet belts, studded belts- layer like 2-3 on your hips for that weighed down Gothic swager. Spiked collars, bracelets, all that.

If you have specific questions pm me or whatever. :)!

I want to see the result when youre done!!! 'Going to be wicked!

yuujirou 07-19-2008 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by gloomth (Post 540982)
Alright. This is more my strength than Lolita and such, since Im goth. :)

I looove the look youre aiming for. Here are some things to consider:

-are you going to wear makeup? Black Eyeliner on boys looks uber hot. Or you could use a bit of white as well for a sharp contrast eye.

-Do you want to really replicate that look in the pic? Youll need a vinyl top and trousers and nice boots.

-Hardware. That look is complex and gorgeous. Youll need metal accessories galore! You can make belts out of the large keyring loops or buy them. Bullet belts, grommet belts, studded belts- layer like 2-3 on your hips for that weighed down Gothic swager. Spiked collars, bracelets, all that.

If you have specific questions pm me or whatever. :)!

I want to see the result when youre done!!! 'Going to be wicked!

gosh, took you long enough >.>"''
was wondering when you'd get around too this thread x]

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