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Reavyn 12-07-2009 05:25 PM

So, I just found Yesstyle.com yesterday and was looking through it. Seems to be very little on the mens section for Japan. This got me wondering how popular the other cultures clothing was in Japan as well. Some of those Korean shirts and such look really nice.

Also, trying to find a good site with casual Japanese men's clothing. Not just T-shirts. Looking for hoodies, jackets, pants, collared shirts and shoes. Any suggestions?

ZInSAkUra 12-07-2009 06:43 PM


criminalpanda 12-20-2009 06:00 PM

Love that place!!!!

check out

My Oneechan - Trendy Korean and Japanese Fashion

AsiaJam.com - Asian Fashion, Japanese Street Wear & Accessories - Japan Kawaii, Korean Teens, Hong Kong



Columbine 12-20-2009 08:03 PM

Just FYI, much of the 'japanese' on Superdry clothing is nonsense. Harmless nonsense, anyway.

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