I've recently started an online shop,
LadyKirei, selling overseas imported ladies casual wear and streetwear from Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Designs from Japan will arrive in June. Our website is
Our shop provides an unique service,
Shop For You. We understand that most Japanese labels do not ship overseas and it is difficult to locate certain Japanese labels outside Japan. Most of us have to purchase through ebay or yahoo auctions. Therefore, we have started this service for Singaporeans who are in love with Japanese designs but are not able to travel all the way there to buy them. Shipments to countries outside Singapore is accepted but customers will have to bear the postage and handling charges involved.
Our first Tokyo buying trip will be in June. We are accepting orders from now. Visit our website,
www.ladykirei.blogspot.com, for more information.
May you have a happy shopping experience with us!!