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MissWorld 08-12-2007 07:48 AM

Where can I buy those?
I'm looking for online stores that has dresses and tops of the GYARU-KEI style.. The style of the dresses is just cute and I've been looking everywhere for them.. please help :o

Bloomzy 08-12-2007 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by MissWorld (Post 204409)
I'm looking for online stores that has dresses and tops of the GYARU-KEI style.. The style of the dresses is just cute and I've been looking everywhere for them.. please help :o

I'm glad you like it:p
My favourite brand is Liz Lisa, but unless you are in Japan or know someone in Japan...it's very difficult to find it.

I suggest buying a magazine such as: EGG, Popteen, Ranzuki or Jelly - all can probably be found on ebay, or I know some sites. Then you can look at what is in for the season and find something similar in a store near you. I'm not sure where you live so it would be difficult for me to mention some shops.

An online shop that sells Gyaru brands is: Sexy Diamond 109. They specialise in brands from Shibuya109, the best place for Gyaru fashion. Although the'r prices are very high, you can find a lot of these items cheaper instore. But if you really want something, they are a great resource.

If you need anymore help, let me know.

michii 08-12-2007 08:05 PM

lolitakisama.com has some cute stuff but its more visual

MissWorld 08-13-2007 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Bloomzy (Post 204460)
I'm glad you like it:p
My favourite brand is Liz Lisa, but unless you are in Japan or know someone in Japan...it's very difficult to find it.

I suggest buying a magazine such as: EGG, Popteen, Ranzuki or Jelly - all can probably be found on ebay, or I know some sites. Then you can look at what is in for the season and find something similar in a store near you. I'm not sure where you live so it would be difficult for me to mention some shops.

An online shop that sells Gyaru brands is: Sexy Diamond 109. They specialise in brands from Shibuya109, the best place for Gyaru fashion. Although the'r prices are very high, you can find a lot of these items cheaper instore. But if you really want something, they are a great resource.

If you need anymore help, let me know.

Thank you so much Bloomzy! :D
umm, no I don't know anyone in Japan.. but I might be going there for Xmas and New Year ^_^

oh that is a great idea! I'd love to get magazines.. could you list me websites of where to buy them? I can't really shop from ebay because most sellers ask for paypal, and since I'm in the UAE, paypal is giving me a hard time in the whole proof of residence thing [they don't seem to want to understand that we don't really use street names here!]

thank you so much for taking the to reply ^_^

I wanna ask about a bunch of dresses [I found pics only since it was sent to me in a forward], are these considered GYARU-KEI? ^_^ and do you have an idea where the are sold or magazines that have the same style..


sorry, I know I ask a lot :)


Originally Posted by michii
lolitakisama.com has some cute stuff but its more visual

hmm, the link isn't working. I even searched for it in yahoo but wasn't there.. could you please retype it :D


Originally Posted by joyjoyking
you can add and contact me in my MSN:[email protected]

We have so many different style dress for your reference, we can sell to you in a very good price,

thats great, I'll add you on msn once I get home! :)

Bloomzy 08-13-2007 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by MissWorld (Post 205291)
oh that is a great idea! I'd love to get magazines.. could you list me websites of where to buy them? I can't really shop from ebay because most sellers ask for paypal, and since I'm in the UAE, paypal is giving me a hard time in the whole proof of residence thing [they don't seem to want to understand that we don't really use street names here!]

I wanna ask about a bunch of dresses [I found pics only since it was sent to me in a forward], are these considered GYARU-KEI? ^_^ and do you have an idea where the are sold or magazines that have the same style..


I'm glad I could be of help.
You must go to Shibuya109 when you are in Japan. They are the best place for Gyaru-kei (you can just say Gyaru or Gal) style clothing.

The best place to buy these magazines are:
Popteen Magazine - YesAsia.com: Free Shipping on Chinese Videos, DVDs, TV Series, CDs, Karaoke, Anime, Manga, Books, Games, Posters, Gifts, Toys, Collectibles, and more
Magazine Subscriptions: JList.com
Magazines: CDJapan.com

Most of those dresses are Korean, right?
This dress and this dress are a little hime-gyaru but not gyaru-kei. This top could be Gyaru-kei if put with a short denim skirt and heels. I have more examples of Gyaru-kei dress:

I hope those are helpful.
Let me know if you still have questions:rheart:

MissWorld 08-14-2007 10:57 AM

Bloomzy *hugs* Thank you so much! you've been really helpful... I appreciate you taking the tip to help me :D

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