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Greten1337 06-23-2018 04:29 AM

Another japanese korean oversize hoodie !

Hey guys

I’m back researching the internet looking to find a sweatshirt I’d like to buy


I have found the the logo on her leggings is a
Palace logo “meme” triangle

But upto now no luck in finding any store that’s selling these leggings and/or sweatshirt

Thanks ahead guys

You’ve helped me alot before , hope you can help me
Again !

ps: offering a 50$ reward in bitcoin for the one that helps me find it first :)

RadioKid 06-24-2018 01:21 AM

How about this?

Greten1337 06-24-2018 09:53 AM

It's the sweatshirt I need my friend, not the leggings :p

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