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disbeliever 11-04-2007 01:43 PM

Hair culture in Japan?
Hi, I'm a hairdresser student from Finland and my teacher gave us a culture related assignment and I would love to hear comments from everybody. Whether you have lived in Japan or visited there briefly or interested in any way, please send a comment.

What kind of hair culture does Japan have? Are people very precise what their hair looks like? Do people go to hair salons? Are there any urban stories how you get a beautiful shiny hair? What kind of shampoos and conditioners? What kind of hair colors and cuts are in? I would love to hear everything :p

Thank you.

CherryMillkieWay 11-04-2007 06:27 PM

Harajuku! :)
5 Attachment(s)
:puccasmile: :yhgirl: Well first you would have to figure out which group of people in japan you are reffering to, like say harajuku which is to the equivelent of punkrock in america. Their hairstyles are animeish, dyed(colors), spiked, laired, all black, ultra shiny,:phgirl: or like the usual dyed that orange color . I guess they go to salons, like any normal person would. My friend from Okinawa:rheart: dosn't care much about her hair though, she just wears it down everyday.

Kenpachi11 11-04-2007 07:01 PM

You can look at my pictures in my gallery and see how their hair is

vulgarshudder 11-05-2007 04:22 PM

Without making sweeping generalisations, I'd say alot of young people really care about their hair. Alot dye it lighter etc, use lots of products and styling etc. Actually you see alot of middle aged women now with dyed hair. And elementary school kids with dyed hair even lol.

About going to salons, I'd say it's very customer orientated. Many people take in pictures, and they will go to great lenghts to get it just like the picture. Extensions are popular here too, even if it's 40 or so put in to add body and lenght.

This autum it seems to be messy curls in trend.

Shampoos and Conditioners...well they have herbal essences, dove and such...shiseido has a load of products...and occasionally there will be a product that's all 'to make asian hair beautiful'. the recent one that's had a campaigne push uses tsubaki which is a plant extract. I have recieved a expensive shampoos from salons that use 'horse oil'.

disbeliever 11-05-2007 05:00 PM

Thank you for your comments and keep them coming :) Everything is useful. I'm actually listened to j-rock and -pop and watched anime for about five years so I'm not totally in the dark about this. That is why I choose Japan for this assingment in the first place but I really couldn't do this all by myself.

ChinaMoon 04-06-2012 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by myfreesky (Post 1359218)
I came from United Stated three month ago, i like the hairstyles of Japan Girls, i have bulit a website about hairstyles of teenage girls, now, i want to collect hairstyles of Japan Girls, they are beautiful.:rheart: :rheart:

Golden good-looking or purple?

ChinaMoon 04-06-2012 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by myfreesky (Post 1359218)
I came from United Stated three month ago, i like the hairstyles of Japan Girls, i have bulit a website about hairstyles of teenage girls, now, i want to collect hairstyles of Japan Girls, they are beautiful.:rheart: :rheart:

Come when the atomic bomb in Japan, will be the most spectacular fireworks.

Fashion50s 07-11-2015 09:51 AM

I have a few experience about Japanese hair style. But I like that very much.

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