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-   -   What is the best Kuzukiri & Harusame product in JP? (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-food/10529-what-best-kuzukiri-harusame-product-jp.html)

donixa 12-14-2007 03:48 AM

What is the best Kuzukiri & Harusame product in JP?
Im curious, :rolleyes:
What is the best Kuzukiri & Harusame product in JP?

- What is the best 2 or 3 products brand and manufacture for Kuzukiri ?
- Why ?
- What is the best 2 or 3 products brand and manufacture for Harusame ?
- Why ?

It would be great if local japanese can answer the questions

Thank you :mtongue:

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