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-   -   Who here started drinking tea after watching anime? (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-food/10729-who-here-started-drinking-tea-after-watching-anime.html)

ChineseDragonKeeper 12-21-2007 03:21 AM

I've always drank tea even before I've heard what anime was. I still drink tea now, too. :marusmile:

Kenta21 12-21-2007 03:30 AM

I drink green sakura and black sakura tea. But not that often.

Gunslinger 12-21-2007 03:32 AM

I drink Jazmine tea..but anime did make me want to drink Japanese green tea but my addiction to jazmine tea sorta stopped that hahaha i love the stuff.

Sphinx01 12-21-2007 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by Natsume (Post 331748)
My Mom MADE me drink tea. She said it was more "dignified" than soft drinks. Though my figure is singing her praises now.

One can only imagine;) ...yes however, I do love tea as well, I feel a warm cup of tea helps purify my soul and sharpen my mind for study:cool:

DivineBled 12-22-2007 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by HinataFan3276 (Post 330245)
Ive been watching anime for a long time and i have found my self drinking hot tea like they do on the shows. I was wondering if anyone else is doing that, from watching anime or if im the only one.:D :vsign:

okay. I've always drank tea, LONG BEFORE I started watching anime. But in all curiosity, do you do everything because you've seen it in an anime?

Do you eat pocky **as someone already pointed out** because you've seen it in an anime?

Do you speak Japanese because you've either heard it in anime or through the anime openings?

It is people like you who I pity.

HinataFan3276 12-25-2007 08:59 AM

no i dont do everything, because i saw it in an anime. I had always drunk tea even before i could say the word or even knew what it was. I had just noticed that i had started drinking it more often and trying new flavors. Also to the remark about pocky, i have never tried it and if i was too try it , it would be too see how it tasted thank you very much. Also it is i who pity people like you for not trying new things.:mtongue:

Gunslinger 12-25-2007 01:01 PM

*note to self* "Dont piss off hinatafan"

nice comeback:D :D :D

Domokunluv 12-25-2007 10:12 PM

I drank very little tea before I started watching anime, and it was always at a Japanese restaurant :D

buubuu 12-25-2007 11:08 PM

I am drinking tea only when i feel like


Kiyuge 12-25-2007 11:51 PM

I have done that a couple of time's ^^':eek:

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