Originally Posted by Nekozawa
I can't cook at all.
I tried making a japanese meal, but the rice ended up crunchy and vinegary, and the noodles were really... Soggy. :<
I can't even make american food! D':
We've had to replace our microwave 6 times.
I keep forgetting aluminum isn't allowed in there. Ehehe... ^^;
My Mom won't let me in the kitchen very much. GAH.
Maybe mom should just not allow aluminum foil in the house and teach you how to cook. Its amazing what you learn when cooking for yourself is your only option.
But I understand, I was friends with someone who seriously could not cook, despite good teachers. We took the brownies she made from a box mix out into the street and ran over them with a car.

But we still couldn't make them crumble or smash! The girl had problems even making instant tea.