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NightChilde25 05-02-2008 03:09 PM

Green Tea Kit-Kat
I just returned from MTAC and I brought a TON of Green Tea Kit-Kats back with me. The strange thing is I hate green tea but I love these Kit-Kats. I want to know a few things:

Has anyone tried them and if you have what did you think?


Does anyone know of any where I can find these other than at a convention or ebay (If you know of a site I can order from please send me the English language site.)?

I'm addicted to these things. I tried KIT KAT BREAKTOWN -ネスレ キットカット ブレイクタウン- but everything is in Japanese and I can't read it.:pinkcry: I've google-ed it and gone to Welcome to JBOX.com. I find reviews and blogs but no where to buy it. Ebay has them but only in the single two stick box and very few of them to boot. Please help me out. I'd even be willing to pay someone in Japan to buy and mail them to me.

Nagoyankee 05-02-2008 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by NightChilde25 (Post 480238)
The strange thing is I hate green tea but I love these Kit-Kats. I want to know a few things:

Has anyone tried them and if you have what did you think?

That is not strange at all. Did you know that the green tea used in desserts/candies was NOT the green tea that we Japanse drink on a daily basis? It's the green tea used in tea ceremony that's used in sweets. The prime example of that is the ubiquitous green tea icecream in Japan.

Unlike the regular green tea, which comes in leaves, the green tea used in the Green Tea KitKat comes in powder and has a much more robust taste.

And yes, I've tried the Green Tea KitKat and several other flavors as well, such as White Chocolate, Melon, Cherry, Japanese Orange, etc. I liked all the flavors I've tried so far. But it's just impossible to try them all because many are area-restricted and/or season-restricted.

AmbeRz 05-02-2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Nagoyankee (Post 480252)
And yes, I've tried the Green Tea KitKat and several other flavors as well, such as White Chocolate, Melon, Cherry, Japanese Orange, etc.

Mmmm..those sound yummy. :D

NightChilde25 05-02-2008 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by AmbeRz (Post 480260)
Mmmm..those sound yummy. :D

Mmmm...Don't they? I'd love to try them all.

animelover32 05-02-2008 05:37 PM

I've never tried the Green Tea ones (I really want to though), but I have tried the white choclet and apple. I love the apple one. I love how in Japan, they have so many variations of things, unlike America, where there's just the regular Kit Kat.

Nagoyankee 05-09-2008 07:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The new Little Banana!

UtakataChan 05-09-2008 07:37 AM

Those flavors sound pretty tasty... I must figure out some way to get my hands on some.

Nagoyankee 05-09-2008 09:06 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The newest flavor Dainagon Azuki will hit the supermarket shelves on May 12, 2008!

emiluvsjmusic 05-09-2008 10:12 AM

wow never heard of green tea kit-kats lol
have they got a bitter flavour?

Nagoyankee 05-09-2008 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by emiluvsjmusic (Post 484717)
wow never heard of green tea kit-kats lol
have they got a bitter flavour?

Nah, it's pretty sweet. Have you ever tried green tea icecream? The Green Tea KitKat tastes like green tea icecream eaten with chocolate.

I think I know why you thought it might be bitter. You've probably tried the bitter green tea served at tea ceremonies. When green tea is used in desserts, sugar is always added.


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