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xYinniex 06-13-2008 11:15 PM

Least favourite: UMEBOSHI PASTE/SAUCE ON ITS OWN. it's rank.

VisualLace 06-14-2008 02:38 AM

Hmmm, I think everything I've tried so far has been pretty good... but miso soup is probably my favorite :D .

Least favorite... maybe octopus sushi; it's not bad, really, but the texture's a bit chewy for me.

IonFortuna 06-14-2008 04:20 AM

I love Wasabi...

...wait, that isn't really food...

Nathan 06-14-2008 05:04 PM

I'm rather skeptical about people who say natto is their favorite. Its an acquired taste to be sure, cheap and healthy, but there are far better flavors in Japanese cuisine than natto. I used to have it for breakfast, its not bad, but not the best.

My personal favorite would be a tie between takoyaki and a good miso soup.

My least would have to be いくら(ikura, fish egg) sushi. I could never get past the texture of it.

Okashi 06-14-2008 05:47 PM

When I went to Japan over spring break I had a lot of different kinds of foods.

So far my favorite was Tempura.

The one that was my least favorite would have to be Curry Rice.

I'm not saying it was horrible tasting. It was good, it was just the least favorite of them all. Pretty much everything tasked awesome!

TalnSG 06-14-2008 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Nathan (Post 514373)
I'm rather skeptical about people who say natto is their favorite. Its an acquired taste to be sure, cheap and healthy, but there are far better flavors in Japanese cuisine than natto.

That's your palette, not mine. I list it as my favorite because its the one Japanese food that I actually get cravings for...... just like for kimchi, though that is less often. Its also the only dish I will drive 20 miles across town to get from an Asian grocery store when I don't need anything else.


My least would have to be いくら(ikura, fish egg) sushi. I could never get past the texture of it.
oooh, I forgot about that. It right up there with uni for me, but more because of the unappealing texture and the lack of taste, unlike uni's very distinct (and for me objectionable) taste.

xYinniex 06-14-2008 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Nathan (Post 514373)
I'm rather skeptical about people who say natto is their favorite. Its an acquired taste to be sure, cheap and healthy, but there are far better flavors in Japanese cuisine than natto. I used to have it for breakfast, its not bad, but not the best.

My personal favorite would be a tie between takoyaki and a good miso soup.

My least would have to be いくら(ikura, fish egg) sushi. I could never get past the texture of it.

I quite like Ikura actually *hides*

allie2590 06-14-2008 11:36 PM

I like sushi and tempura the best and I hate pickled ginger!

yuujirou 06-15-2008 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by allie2590 (Post 514555)
I like sushi and tempura the best and I hate pickled ginger!

you must be eating the 'cheap' gaari x]


Originally Posted by xYinniex (Post 514549)
I quite like Ikura actually *hides*

ikura ish fun too eat x]
but it leaves a fishy taste in my mouth >.<'

yuujirou 06-15-2008 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by TalnSG (Post 514430)
That's your palette, not mine. I list it as my favorite because its the one Japanese food that I actually get cravings for...... just like for kimchi, though that is less often. Its also the only dish I will drive 20 miles across town to get from an Asian grocery store when I don't need anything else.

oooh, I forgot about that. It right up there with uni for me, but more because of the unappealing texture and the lack of taste, unlike uni's very distinct (and for me objectionable) taste.

ikura....lack of taste??? xDD
i often find that ikura is 'too' salty for me xDD

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