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greenteajunkie 06-16-2008 05:22 AM

The few experiences i've had making and eating sushi have been unsavory, but it's an adapted taste. I am so obsessed with ramen, tofu, miso soup, curry, and udon noodle soup. Oh, and cold soba noodles... yummy... :marusmile:

CardKaptor 06-22-2008 09:06 AM

I love okonomiyaki. Deliciousness in pancake form. I can't stand ume maki, that was the worst thing...ever.

yuujirou 06-22-2008 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by CardKaptor (Post 519499)
I love okonomiyaki. Deliciousness in pancake form. I can't stand ume maki, that was the worst thing...ever.

ever care to try the liver of hotategai (scallop)
and then compare? x]

TalnSG 06-22-2008 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 514752)
ikura....lack of taste??? xDD
i often find that ikura is 'too' salty for me xDD

Ah, yes I have experienced the salty version, but not very often. I am thinking that perhaps the taste fades if the freezing for transport is not done carefully enough, and it could be that once the flavor is entirely gone there is only the salt left. Fortunately there has only been once when encountered soe that had gone bad.

Aota 06-22-2008 09:27 PM

Tofu, miso soup, octopus, and curry are definite faves.

SSJup81 06-22-2008 10:15 PM

The only thing remotely Japanese that I've tasted, and disliked, has been Ikura. Oh, another food I've had and disliked, has been Edomame. My teacher gave me this. It was way too salty for me. I acted as if I liked it, especially when she gave me some another time, so I just accepted it to be polite.

Even though I've never had it, I have this feeling that I wouldn't like Natto at all, but of course, as I say, "Don't knock something until you've tried it."

As for stuff I've tasted and loved, I'd have to go with okonomiyaki, yakitori, and sukiyaki. I :rheart: sukiyaki.

I would say Ramen, but I've never had any decent ramen, imo, and by decent, I mean able to go to a stand and order some nice and fresh. The stuff in the cup doesn't cut it for me. With the Japanese restaurants around here, it's mostly Udon or Soba based dishes.

reihiino 06-22-2008 11:26 PM

My fave is sashimi, curry, tempura...least is anything with eggs...

Jeshika 06-26-2008 03:22 PM

I love curry. It's by far my favorite food overall.

As for least favorite, I'm not entirely sure. There hasn't been anything I've run across yet that I absolutely dislike. I'm sure while I keep experimenting, I'll discover something. xD

sushidushi 06-27-2008 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by IonFortuna (Post 514048)
I love Wasabi...

...wait, that isn't really food...

Yes it is! I love the stuff! :D

TalnSG 07-03-2008 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by sushidushi (Post 523456)
Yes it is! I love the stuff! :D

Yum, fresh wasabi! I really love it, but I try to cut back on it when my sushi is good enough on its own.

But I recently was urged to eat more of it by a certain itamae. ;)
Itamae-san, if you are reading this, you were right because it was very good.

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