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NaiyaAi 10-03-2008 01:19 AM

What is calpico made out of? I'm from New York and I drink it all the time, but I never knew what it was made out of... But it's so good, don't you think?

kenmei 10-03-2008 01:59 AM

according to wiki:
Calpis (カルピス, Karupisu?) is a Japanese uncarbonated soft drink, manufactured by Calpis Co., Ltd. (カルピス株式会社, Karupisu Kabushiki-gaisha?) , headquartered in Shibuya, Tokyo. The beverage has a light, somewhat milky, and slightly acidic flavor, similar to plain or vanilla-flavored yogurt. Its ingredients include water, nonfat dry milk, and lactic acid, and is produced by lactic acid fermentation.

it also has a lot of flavored ones as well, that's for the normal.:ywave:

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