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Sowilu 01-06-2009 04:02 AM

I can't think of any weird combos but there are a lot of things ppl find weird in what I eat or should I say don't eat.

I do not like white bread (sandwich bread) the only way I will eat it is if its toasted slightly. I do not like sweet breads period I do not like cakes, or any sweet pastry. I don't like anything sweet that includes fruits. I will only eat red candy and it must be sour. I do not like cold meats. I do not like cheese the only cheese I will eat is permesan . I do not like milk by it self. I do not like peanut butter or jelly of any kind. I do not like pizza when we have pizza I take off all of the cheese. I do not like to drink anything that is hot like coffe and tea. During cold days when everybody is enjoying a good cup of coffe I enjoy my frozen cup of water for some reason frozen water taste better to me during the cold weather than it does during the summer. Thats all I can think of so far.

The good thing about me is that I will always try something before deciding that I do not like it.

WolvesKiss 01-06-2009 04:06 AM

your serious!!!?

Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 637962)
Aww man.. they stopped making cheetos in England about 10 years ago.. Same with lucky charms cereal but even longer ago.

omg what and injustic!!! ill send u some!!!! send me ur address and ill buy u cheetos and lucky charms and mail them to you what an outrage ! lol

i like ranch in mashpotatoes and frenchfries in vanilla ice cream mmm thats good!
i have a friend who eats penut butter and bologna.....i havent tried it so im not gonna knock it but ...i dont think i could eat it.

acidblue75 01-06-2009 04:11 AM

umm hot cheetos w/ cream cheese...... its actually really good

superheel 01-06-2009 04:15 AM

Well, what I usually do is I split a double stuff oreo and put a little hershey bar in the middle. It may not be weird but it's good.

Also, one of my favorite combination is Spam and Nori. I'll wrap the seaweed around spam and rice. For me, it's good. A Hawaiian dish called Spam Musubi!

gravelgill 01-06-2009 04:40 AM

bar-b-que sauce+orange slice
bar-b-que sauce+pizza
peanut butter+mayo

AestheteHistory 01-06-2009 06:24 AM

When I eat macaroni & cheese I always have to mix mustard in.

VampireGirl1314 01-06-2009 06:36 AM

i make a grilled tuna sandwitch it a grilled cheese sandwitch but with tuna on it its my favorite food too.>^_^< and yes i know im weird.

mandelak 01-06-2009 07:24 AM


bar-b-que sauce+orange slice
O_O wth lol. no offence, but that is weird lol.

my cousins mate uses orange juice instead of milk for cereal because he is lactose intolerant

i used to eat peanut butter with vegimite and cheese lol, but that was in the olden days.

the weirdest thing i eat now probably (sometimes) if i have rice ill have tomato sauce on top lol, but that too i havent really had for a while, but at times i still enjoy it.

me and my cousin used to eat packet chips (chicken flavour) with tomato sauce, but that was more of an experiment

sakari09 01-06-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by mandelak (Post 659595)
the weirdest thing i eat now probably (sometimes) if i have rice ill have tomato sauce on top lol, but that too i havent really had for a while, but at times i still enjoy it.

I used to do that too! Only w/ white rice tho. It was nummies. ^.^
Now when I make white rice, green olives, mayo, chicken flavoring, and tomatoes go into it.

fanimeboy 01-08-2009 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by jdragon (Post 637906)

I do that too! I like fries w/ vanilla ice cream...my friends find it weird but I love it!

haha i love french fries and icecream. i discovered it when i was little. my french fries were hot and i dropped it on my ice cream cone and i just thought what a waste and ate it. after that i had this sweet cold fries in my mouth it was gooooooooooood :D

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