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minimin 01-09-2009 05:32 AM

Lets see weird food combinations:

I once had a friend who had Pizza, Snickers Ice-Cream, Ham sandwich and a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich all in the same time(a lunch hour). He was incredibly weird tho.

KikiBunny23 01-09-2009 05:49 AM

sounds yummy except for the PB&J I hate jelly haha

minimin 01-09-2009 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by KikiBunny23 (Post 661486)
sounds yummy except for the PB&J I hate jelly haha

Actually it looked quite delicious too, he was so skinny I was suprised he could eat it all lol

KikiBunny23 01-09-2009 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by minimin (Post 661489)
Actually it looked quite delicious too, he was so skinny I was suprised he could eat it all lol

thats what everyone thinks of me lol.

they can't believe that i can eat half my weight and not gain anythin (thats about 50lbs haha)

I've been 100somethin pounds for the past 2yrs and whenever i gain more i lose it the next day

minimin 01-09-2009 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by KikiBunny23 (Post 661491)
thats what everyone thinks of me lol.

they can't believe that i can eat half my weight and not gain anythin (thats about 50lbs haha)

I've been 100somethin pounds for the past 2yrs and whenever i gain more i lose it the next day

Wow, really. Not even On big dinner days like Thanksgiving and Christmas??? Usually every girl struggles then, lolz. That Guy i know ate so many weird things at once, some girls seemed afraid to talk to him. hahah

KikiBunny23 01-09-2009 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by minimin (Post 661494)
Wow, really. Not even On big dinner days like Thanksgiving and Christmas??? Usually every girl struggles then, lolz. That Guy i know ate so many weird things at once, some girls seemed afraid to talk to him. hahah

Nope, don't gain an ounce. Maybe a pound but it goes straight back down...I have really high metabolism but I've been keepin down on my eatin cus it slows down as I get older

minimin 01-09-2009 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by KikiBunny23 (Post 661495)
Nope, don't gain an ounce. Maybe a pound but it goes straight back down...I have really high metabolism but I've been keepin down on my eatin cus it slows down as I get older

Hmm...your lucky...I have to cut down anyhow. Not to fast of a Metabolism So I have to work out. I use to ride a bike everyday. Yeah, they say Metabolism slows down as you get older and especially if you dont take care of yourself.

KikiBunny23 01-09-2009 06:50 AM

Yeah, I've been tryin to get back into gymnastics and such. It seems as long as I'm doing something it stays high. Like over the summer I wa slazy and gained about 20lbs (how I got up to 100) and once school started, I lost a lot

VampireGirl1314 01-09-2009 06:55 AM

since i was home schooled most of my life ive been a chunky kid but now im loosing wait but my mom is worried because i only eat once a day and exersize a lot and go ou walking with all my friends and sleep a lot more then i used to.T_T but yummie snacks have always been something else to think about and most of mine are healthy.XD

minimin 01-09-2009 07:09 AM

Kiki: I gained weight when I moved from California to Tennessee, cuz I was depressed and did nothing, started exercising alot and lost it, and then gained some and lost and you know the repetition hahaha.

Vampiregirl: I was an extremely thin kid I guess cuz I was so hyper and was running around 24/7. I use to diet now I just try to eat healthy as possible, I might diet when i move back to Cali soon ^_^

I had some weird eating habits aswell some times Id eat Pepsi/orange soda mix, and Vegetables(Celery type vegetables) with Peanut butter or cottage cheese.

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