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pumpum 05-14-2009 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by sakari09 (Post 716294)
That's going to make me sick. (I'm already weak from a rough day. T.T)

I'd much rather have pop rocks and coke. LOL

wuss pop rocks? :confused:

sakari09 05-14-2009 01:08 AM

like candy that 'pops' in your mouth. it's really wierd. there's also a supersitition that if you eat it w/ coke then ur stomach will explode.

pumpum 05-14-2009 01:11 AM

oh i know now ! gotcha !

sakari09 05-19-2009 08:08 PM

so i had a fish sandwhich from captain d's the other day, but instead of just lettuce and tatar sauce, i put fried pickles on it. XD it was AWESOME! it added that needed 'crunch'

Banzaiii 05-19-2009 11:09 PM

Well the other day i was eating mints and decided to have a sip of my drink. It just fizzed inside my mouth / went through my nose. Good job my books were on the side, but i still had to clean my keyboard.

sakari09 05-29-2009 12:08 PM

I luv poprocks and coke. that's fizzy

Ryuk999 05-29-2009 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Banzaiii (Post 719349)
Well the other day i was eating mints and decided to have a sip of my drink. It just fizzed inside my mouth / went through my nose. Good job my books were on the side, but i still had to clean my keyboard.

something similar happened to me like that, my cousin made me laugh while i was drinking a root beer and it bursted out my nose...it hurt alot actually >.<

Lien 05-30-2009 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 637889)
I like chips (french fries to the rest of the world) with ice cream, especially at mcdonalds.

OMG ME 2 !!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Kandierain15 05-31-2009 06:12 PM

*laughs* I love that combination! You ever had a cracker, with turkey, mayo, and cheese? It's so good. it's like a crunchy version of a sandwhich.

KikiBunny23 05-31-2009 06:14 PM

My dads subway I stole from him...lettuce, olives, ham, cheese, mayo...it was yummy without the cheese XD

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