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SHAD0W 12-05-2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by ARoomwithaMOOSE (Post 639021)
Cheerio's and chocolate milk:mtongue:

schmoke and a pancake?

sakari09 12-05-2008 03:51 PM

mushrooms, cheese wrapped up and fried in a piece of ham with mayo on top. ^.^

ARoomwithaMOOSE 12-05-2008 04:01 PM

Sauerkraut Pizza or PB+J Pizza

Soybean soup
Stir-fry with fish sauce
My brother's wife's chicken paprika with some weird potato dish(I WILL NEVER EAT ANYTHING SHE COOKS EVER AGAIN)(The worst F****** food I have ever had)

Soy green tea icecream with chocolate peanutbutter fudge icecream

sakari09 12-05-2008 06:30 PM

Soybean soup sounds really good right about now. >.< I hate school food. LOL Has anyone ever had cabbage-beef soup? Now that stuff is the s**t.

yuujirou 12-06-2008 09:42 AM

miso soup with monkfish liver


sakari09 12-08-2008 02:57 PM

I've had miso before...it was really good. ^.^ last night I made fried potatoes with butter and mushrooms. THAT was yummy.

ARoomwithaMOOSE 12-08-2008 04:21 PM

Monkfish liver?_? that's really nasty

Canned Asparagus on toast with eggs
Boxed cereal with apples and cinnanamon(sooooo good)
Celery soup made with rice milk
Bread that's raw in the middle and frozen oranges( I had to eat this at a camp I went to)
Red Hotdogs (sorry they really don't count as a strange food combo I just think they are YUCKY)

@ Sakari09

Trust me Soy Bean soup is not good, it's got the look of bad milk only green and much more......lumpy. and I can't even begin to tell you how it tastes with out using some seriously bad words;) Yes school food is S***I could not agree more.

TalnSG 12-08-2008 04:53 PM

Peanut butter and mustard sandwiches! :)

I first had one in 3rd grade on a dare; and I have been eating them ever since.

sakari09 12-08-2008 06:41 PM

I've had ketchup sandwhiches. I stopped eating them a long time ago.


finally an agreement on school lunches. ^.^ I still like eating soybeans fresh from the field. LOL My grandfather is a farmer.

yuujirou 12-08-2008 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by ARoomwithaMOOSE (Post 640964)
Monkfish liver?_? that's really nasty

Canned Asparagus on toast with eggs
Boxed cereal with apples and cinnanamon(sooooo good)
Celery soup made with rice milk
Bread that's raw in the middle and frozen oranges( I had to eat this at a camp I went to)
Red Hotdogs (sorry they really don't count as a strange food combo I just think they are YUCKY)

@ Sakari09

Trust me Soy Bean soup is not good, it's got the look of bad milk only green and much more......lumpy. and I can't even begin to tell you how it tastes with out using some seriously bad words;) Yes school food is S***I could not agree more.

have you actually had ankimo (monkfish liver)??? xDDD

and yeaah..
school lunches suck >.>''
so glad i'm not in school x]

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