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yuujirou 12-10-2008 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsuneko (Post 642130)
Japanese cucumber and chunky peanut butter sandwiches.

Ranch Doritos and banana pudding.

Maruchan beef noodle cup with Pringles in the broth.

banana pudding... w/ .. ANYthing...... is disgusting

Kitsuneko 12-10-2008 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 642199)
banana pudding... w/ .. ANYthing...... is disgusting

Hee hee hee!!! :D

sakari09 12-10-2008 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsuneko (Post 642208)
Hee hee hee!!! :D

I'm more of a fan of chocolate pudding. My BF likes to mix applesauce with the rest of his food. It's really gross. >.<

Aniki 12-10-2008 04:11 PM

Weird Food Combinations?

Anything + poison

sakari09 12-10-2008 06:54 PM

Oh my...that never ends well...

tohruchan7 12-11-2008 12:20 AM

the woerdest i go is...well idk o.0 but my friend likes peanutbutter and jelly sandwich w/tuna. ya not trying that >.<

sakari09 12-11-2008 02:00 PM

I hate tuna. It smells horrible. I wouldn't wanna mix that stuff w/ anything. >.<

This morning I hate a turkey and rice sandwhich tho...

ARoomwithaMOOSE 12-11-2008 03:12 PM

I knew a guy who liked to microwave can's of tuna for lunch:coldbear:

I also know a person who will eat anything but only if it's got Mayo in it:P YUCK!!! I like Mayo as much as the next person but spaghetti and mayo is just ........NASTY

I like Manderin Oranges and Whipped Cream:mtongue: :mtongue:
Applesauce and Boxed Cereal
Yogurt and Pomegranate is also very good:mtongue: :mtongue:

xYinniex 12-11-2008 03:36 PM

wasabi mayo.

ARoomwithaMOOSE 12-11-2008 04:02 PM

I love wasabi mayo:)

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