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tocrayzay 12-11-2008 02:31 PM

mushrooms...they are the most vile of things, my gag reflex just gets going, can't get 'em down no way jose
and insects, snails, basically anything with more than 4 legs i couldn't get it down i don't think unless i was under the influence and half starved *shudder*

xYinniex 12-11-2008 02:55 PM

I've heard they eat moneky brains in china, like from the monkeys head and in those parts they seem to get alot of people with some weird brain disease CJ something.

Koreans eat dogs, Not all the time, like at new years and stuff.

I've had chicken feet, love that stuff.
Smelly tofu- if you're in the right mood
Wasabi: I love that stuff

Funny enough, I can totally take wasabi but with durian[because i havent eaten it in so long] i had one bite and it totally overwhelmed me. It seems like i couldnt take it anymore. But i wouldn't call it gross.

snails, or escargots as they're called are actually quite nice. *hides*

ARoomwithaMOOSE 12-11-2008 03:04 PM

My brother ate Jellyfish one time and said it was like "eating a mouth full of rubber bands" (*only a lot more slimy*)
I also know that people eat silk worms,not anything I plan on trying:)

The yuckiest food I've eaten would have to be squid.
I don't care how it's cooked, it's just plain gross

Keaton421 12-11-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by ARoomwithaMOOSE (Post 642994)
The yuckiest food I've eaten would have to be squid.
I don't care how it's cooked, it's just plain gross

You've obviously never had fried Calamari... dip that stuff in some BBQ sauce, mustard, honey mustard... mmm

Also, "My head/heart are some where in Japan(with Gackt)" :D wtf

ARoomwithaMOOSE 12-11-2008 04:05 PM

I have had fried squid I still hate it (no offense) I just plain hate squid

arcalae 12-11-2008 05:19 PM

I hate olives too.. and goat cheese, disgusting brown stinky cheese eww. And I don't even ever wanna see or smell natto, much less taste it. Fermented beans? No thanks.

Pexster 12-11-2008 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Keaton421 (Post 642848)
Good lord yes. It's like horseradish on steroids.

If you ask me this is the world's grossest food.

Balut. Cheers, Philippines...

GROSS!...i think if it was the thread
of winning the grosses eating food.
You'd win. *puts hand over mouth*

wilsontheterrible 12-11-2008 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by xYinniex (Post 642992)
snails, or escargots as they're called are actually quite nice. *hides*

No need to hide, escargot is delicious. Especially when marinated in garlic sauce and served on toast. While the service at the restaurant that served me it was lacking I must say that the food was excellent.

Has anybody else tried crickets? When raised properly and cooked under the right conditions they're quite good.

Salvanas 12-11-2008 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mehmet (Post 642893)
To Keaton421,

No im muslim myself and i wouldnt be disgusted or Mindboggled, Its just a sin for us to eat it. We respect what other people eat.

For me i would say Turkish Delight that squishy crap is disgusting even though i am from Turkey. (I was born and still live in Australia though)


Lokum is amazing ;P

KikiBunny23 12-11-2008 06:09 PM

YOu know...there has only been one food I hated...and even before I stopped eating it I hated them.

Chicken wings. They just taste nasty...I've never had wasabi or escargot or anything like that...just the food my mom buys/makes. XD

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