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Kandierain15 10-19-2009 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by utsu (Post 778507)
surstromming - a "delicacy" from Northern Sweden. basically a whole herring, head and all, left to rot in a barrel in the sun for a few months and then canned to undergo fermentation in the can. When the can is bulging and about to explode, the stuff is ready to be consumed. Preferably outdoors.

oh that's just sick sounding. adding to my dislike of fish. ugh

utsu 10-19-2009 04:13 AM

kandierain, here's a great youtube video of a group of Japanese people trying surstromming:
YouTube - シュールストレミングをみつまJAPAN´サンと空けてみま� �た

orca 10-20-2009 07:12 PM

I can't stand the taste of coconut, the only thing repulses me more than that is coffee but dunno if that counts cos coffee is a drink

p.s. also marmite...YUK!

ok i'm done:) lol

smbx33 10-22-2009 02:58 AM

Cant eat pork without some type of sauce masking the nasty taste....If its bbq its all good though.

I can't stomach Cassava it pretty nasty boiled, but if its fried i guess its ok.

Theres really not many things i cant eat though, dunno about eating dog,cat, turtle or anything I would consider a pet. But who knows if I might like it barbecued, fried etc :P.

Wasabi is good !! :P

Worst food i ever ate, "mondongo" Spanish soup made of cow stomach, my parents were preparing it in the house and I started apologizing for all the bad things I had done. I though it was a punishment food for something bad I did, the smell is disgusting and it taste pretty bad.

TalnSG 10-22-2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by orca (Post 778836)
I can't stand the taste of coconut, the only thing repulses me more than that is coffee but dunno if that counts cos coffee is a drink

p.s. also marmite...YUK!

ok i'm done:) lol

Gotta agree with 2 of your three.... marmite being the worst. I can endure fresh coconut if necessary, but I seriously dislike it. The smell is ok, if it is VERY FAINT, but most of the time when its used in scents it is way too strong. Coffee is one of those flavors I love when its the right roast and blend and I am in the right mood. But when those three don't come together I would rather have plain water.

ishikawa 12-24-2009 12:50 PM

I dunno. I know I hate the taste of Vinegar rice which makes me dislike Sushi.

metalmark666 01-28-2010 10:29 PM

The stuff is so bad that you shouldn't even be allowed to write it as a whole word. It is blasphemous and should be written like n***o.
I watched that internet video 2 girls 1 cup where the women defecate into each others mouth. Before I tried n***o I thought that had to be the most disgusting thing to do with your mouth.
I suppose some people like n***o, my cat likes to clean its own ass, I would put the two in the same category of 'faulty taste buds'...

Nathan 01-29-2010 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by metalmark666 (Post 797376)
The stuff is so bad that you shouldn't even be allowed to write it as a whole word. It is blasphemous and should be written like n***o.
I watched that internet video 2 girls 1 cup where the women defecate into each others mouth. Before I tried n***o I thought that had to be the most disgusting thing to do with your mouth.
I suppose some people like n***o, my cat likes to clean its own ass, I would put the two in the same category of 'faulty taste buds'...

I actually came to like natto during my stay in Japan. Natto and Rice made for a really cheap breakfast.

I could bring myself to eat fish roe, however I think it was more of a mental block on the texture than anything.

MeIsKevin 01-30-2010 10:07 AM

Definitely swedish "Surströmming". I would explain it as sour herring, I almost puked the only time I tried to eat it. And not to mention the stench...

yuujirou 03-15-2010 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by metalmark666 (Post 797376)
The stuff is so bad that you shouldn't even be allowed to write it as a whole word. It is blasphemous and should be written like n***o.
I watched that internet video 2 girls 1 cup where the women defecate into each others mouth. Before I tried n***o I thought that had to be the most disgusting thing to do with your mouth.
I suppose some people like n***o, my cat likes to clean its own ass, I would put the two in the same category of 'faulty taste buds'...

the poor bloke....
hasn't a clue on what he's missing out on....
for shame... >.>

TalnSG 03-16-2010 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 804145)
the poor bloke....
hasn't a clue on what he's missing out on....
for shame... >.>

Just leave more for those of us who appreciate natto.

Currently trying to acquire a taste for uni, but still just not there yet. The texture has become acceptable, the taste (when its good quality) bearable, but the look is still disgusting.

sushichef 05-29-2010 01:12 PM

Has anyone tride Hoya?

It is a sea squirt that looks like a weird orange plant and tastes ilke ammonia

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