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tocrayzay 12-11-2008 11:32 PM

i think milkrice is the best thing ever...takes me back to my childhood

superheel 12-12-2008 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsuneko (Post 643233)
In Hawaii we make jokes about the Filipinos eating dogs, preferably black dogs, but I've never actually seen anybody eat one.

Altho, there was an incident where two maintenance workers at a golf course stole this guy's pet dog and ate him...

starbulletin.com | News | /2008/01/23/

Arrrgh!!! :exballoon:

They do eat dogs in the Philippines though not widely accepted by everyone. In Philippines dogs are'nt really just kept in their backyards. Dogs are free to roam around wherever they want, and if they are lucky enough, they'd end up being caught by what we call "manginginoms" or literally means "drinker" and cook them. Most of the time, these people will hang around with fellow neighbors to drink liquor and they will eat the dog each time they take a shot. They just dont eat dogs though, it ranges from as simple as nuts to as extreme as cats, monkeys or snakes.

wilsontheterrible 12-12-2008 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Aniki (Post 643167)
Here's what I think is gross:

Cooked roaches,

Never tried but I can assume that the crunch would be quite satisfying.


Originally Posted by Aniki (Post 643167)

If those are maggots there are some big ass flies somewhere in the world, but if theyre anything like the white sea worm's I had at a Thai restaurant the only thing disgusting about it is the price, 8 bucks a plate is pushing it.


Originally Posted by Aniki (Post 643167)

They have the texture of a wet hanky but the spicyness is well worth it.


Originally Posted by Aniki (Post 643167)
Haggis, (for those who don't know, it's a Scottish dish made from the lung, liver, and heart of the sheep)

Its very bland, I wouldn't reccomend. I tried it once, it was like the worlds most mediocre sausage immaginable.

VitalStatistic 12-12-2008 03:01 AM

Seaweed... I can't stomach that stuff.
I like any kind of sushi without it ^-^

Keaton421 12-12-2008 03:34 AM

Well glad to hear the response from the Muslim gentleman, can't seem tofind your post again.

Some people really disgust me, especially that chinese stuff :D Dog's brains? That's bad enough. I've heard of some Chinese contraption that holds a monkey's head so you can scoop out his BRAAAIIINNNNSSSS while he's still alive and kicking. That borders on cruelty in my book.

More creepy Asian food! Baby mice wine... oh Korea

To me, there are tasty foods, untasty foods, and foods that are just plain wrong. As much as I respect Chinese culture, for f*ck's sake people...

SephirothVVC 12-12-2008 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Keaton421 (Post 643492)
But I've heard of a special table that allows a still kicking monkey's head to be held in place while you scoop out the BRAAAIIIIIINSSS.

Humans are disgusting:mad:

Keaton421 12-12-2008 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by SephirothVVC (Post 643495)
Humans are disgusting:mad:

The lengths some people will go to to get a meal...

Further research on the table suggests that patrons take turns chipping away at the skull with a hammer, then they scramble the brains like an egg. Seems like they do this in Mongolia too

superheel 12-12-2008 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Keaton421 (Post 643498)
The lengths some people will go to to get a meal...

Further research on the table suggests that patrons take turns chipping away at the skull with a hammer, then they scramble the brains like an egg. Seems like they do this in Mongolia too


YouTube - Mad cook

Keaton421 12-12-2008 03:53 AM

You son of a...

I shoulda known when I saw Rick Astley TV on the side... FFFFF

superheel 12-12-2008 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Keaton421 (Post 643505)
You son of a...

I shoulda known when I saw Rick Astley TV on the side... FFFFF

Oh freak.... I'm sorry, I thought this is the one cause there is a video that shows the real thing... I'm really sorry, haha.

I replaced the link, I promise, that one is not a Rick Roll bs. It's not the video i was looking for though.

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