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shojogirl 12-11-2008 02:36 AM

gross food....yuck!
what is the most disgusting dish you ever tried? :pinkcry:

GentlePrincessJC 12-11-2008 03:06 AM

I dont like shrimp, it grosses me out.

Uriko 12-11-2008 03:12 AM

wasabi. what else?

yuujirou 12-11-2008 05:03 AM

iceberg lettuce..

it's so..... plain.. and bitter...
and un-nutritious... ... and just... ugly to look at =.='''

Acidreptile 12-11-2008 05:07 AM

Pumpkins.I really hate it.The only pumpkins I like are the Smashing Pumpkins.

Arikado 12-11-2008 05:09 AM

Uhhh...what's that stuff called again...the rotting sh*t? OH! Duran. Worst thing in the world. It stinks so bad it's banned in hotels in Bangkok.

Keaton421 12-11-2008 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Uriko (Post 642670)
wasabi. what else?

Good lord yes. It's like horseradish on steroids.

If you ask me this is the world's grossest food.

Balut. Cheers, Philippines...

superheel 12-11-2008 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Keaton421 (Post 642848)
Good lord yes. It's like horseradish on steroids.

If you ask me this is the world's grossest food.

Balut. Cheers, Philippines...

LOL, Balut is actually good. It's just the thought of it having a baby chick on it that makes other people freak out.

For me, the yuckiest food i ever tasted is......turkey...I know, I know, I'm weird.

Keaton421 12-11-2008 05:48 AM

You'll crunch on a duck fetus, brains and bones and all, but you can't stomach turkey? Some people... :D

Arikado 12-11-2008 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by superheel (Post 642871)
LOL, Balut is actually good. It's just the thought of it having a baby chick on it that makes other people freak out.

For me, the yuckiest food i ever tasted is......turkey...I know, I know, I'm weird.

Duck fetus over turkey? Interesting, to say the least. >.>

Something else I can't stand is chou doufu (stinky tofu). I smell that crap all the time at "night markets" in Taiwan. Ugh!

superheel 12-11-2008 06:06 AM

Just like what the guy from Travel Channel's Bizzare Food say, what is considered taboo in your country could just be an everyday snack in other sides of the world.

Keaton421 12-11-2008 06:11 AM

As true as that is, I just have a hard time accepting it. In some parts of Africa they bathe in elephant urine and eat elephant sh*t. I think it's pretty fair to say that just ain't right. But at the same time, if I chomp down on something as "harmless" as a porkchop, a Muslim would be mindboggled.

superheel 12-11-2008 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Keaton421 (Post 642889)
As true as that is, I just have a hard time accepting it. In some parts of Africa they bathe in elephant urine and eat elephant sh*t. I think it's pretty fair to say that just ain't right. But at the same time, if I chomp down on something as "harmless" as a porkchop, a Muslim would be mindboggled.

Yeah, and in Africa, they are so disgusted with cheese because of the fact that cheese is somewhat a rotten milk. My friend told me that cheese really makes them sick.

Mehmet 12-11-2008 06:20 AM

To Keaton421,

No im muslim myself and i wouldnt be disgusted or Mindboggled, Its just a sin for us to eat it. We respect what other people eat.

For me i would say Turkish Delight that squishy crap is disgusting even though i am from Turkey. (I was born and still live in Australia though)

Arikado 12-11-2008 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by superheel (Post 642886)
Just like what the guy from Travel Channel's Bizzare Food say, what is considered taboo in your country could just be an everyday snack in other sides of the world.

I don't doubt it, but stuff like frogs' legs and chicken feet just don't sound very appetizing to me, and those two are mild in comparison to some of the stuff I hear about.


Originally Posted by Keaton421 (Post 642889)
In some parts of Africa they bathe in elephant urine and eat elephant sh*t. I think it's pretty fair to say that just ain't right.

Wow, that's amazing. How do you keep something that horribly smelly down? Your mouth would stink for weeks. And that's the least of your worries.

Has anybody eaten spotted dick? It sounds weird, but it's just a sausage right?

joeyj 12-11-2008 07:56 AM

pig intestine soup

Mehmet 12-11-2008 09:09 AM

How could people eat DOG?

Mehmet 12-11-2008 10:04 AM

Does anyone know a food that is more disgusting then dog?

Troo 12-11-2008 10:21 AM

Spotted dick isn't a sausage, it's a pudding. It's steamed, made from suet and dried fruit (usually raisins), and is fantastic with piping hot custard :)

Disgusting foods... I have to go with Durian fruit too. I've never made it past the stench to even put it in my mouth.

I'll happily eat tentacles, yet can't bring myself to eat a soft-shell crab.

I was at a chinese restaurant in NYC once, and most of the menu consisted of spleen or stomach lining. I couldn't really bring myself to try that, either.

I can't vouch for the disgustingness of dog - I've never (knowingly) eaten it.

wilsontheterrible 12-11-2008 01:10 PM

In my short time I've eaten a lot of things, my justification being that if someone else conceder’s it a delicacy than I can at least give it the BOTD and try it, and 90% of the time I like it due to a diluted sense of smell and taste. But there is one thing I can’t stand and will outright reject any dish made with it...

Olives, I hate olives with a burning passion that defies all logic or reason. Raw, fine, partially rotted for flavoring purposes, fine, insects, fine, if somebody else eats and enjoys it, fine, but put any type of olive in front of me and I can't be held responcible for my actions.

tocrayzay 12-11-2008 02:31 PM

mushrooms...they are the most vile of things, my gag reflex just gets going, can't get 'em down no way jose
and insects, snails, basically anything with more than 4 legs i couldn't get it down i don't think unless i was under the influence and half starved *shudder*

xYinniex 12-11-2008 02:55 PM

I've heard they eat moneky brains in china, like from the monkeys head and in those parts they seem to get alot of people with some weird brain disease CJ something.

Koreans eat dogs, Not all the time, like at new years and stuff.

I've had chicken feet, love that stuff.
Smelly tofu- if you're in the right mood
Wasabi: I love that stuff

Funny enough, I can totally take wasabi but with durian[because i havent eaten it in so long] i had one bite and it totally overwhelmed me. It seems like i couldnt take it anymore. But i wouldn't call it gross.

snails, or escargots as they're called are actually quite nice. *hides*

ARoomwithaMOOSE 12-11-2008 03:04 PM

My brother ate Jellyfish one time and said it was like "eating a mouth full of rubber bands" (*only a lot more slimy*)
I also know that people eat silk worms,not anything I plan on trying:)

The yuckiest food I've eaten would have to be squid.
I don't care how it's cooked, it's just plain gross

Keaton421 12-11-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by ARoomwithaMOOSE (Post 642994)
The yuckiest food I've eaten would have to be squid.
I don't care how it's cooked, it's just plain gross

You've obviously never had fried Calamari... dip that stuff in some BBQ sauce, mustard, honey mustard... mmm

Also, "My head/heart are some where in Japan(with Gackt)" :D wtf

ARoomwithaMOOSE 12-11-2008 04:05 PM

I have had fried squid I still hate it (no offense) I just plain hate squid

arcalae 12-11-2008 05:19 PM

I hate olives too.. and goat cheese, disgusting brown stinky cheese eww. And I don't even ever wanna see or smell natto, much less taste it. Fermented beans? No thanks.

Pexster 12-11-2008 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Keaton421 (Post 642848)
Good lord yes. It's like horseradish on steroids.

If you ask me this is the world's grossest food.

Balut. Cheers, Philippines...

GROSS!...i think if it was the thread
of winning the grosses eating food.
You'd win. *puts hand over mouth*

wilsontheterrible 12-11-2008 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by xYinniex (Post 642992)
snails, or escargots as they're called are actually quite nice. *hides*

No need to hide, escargot is delicious. Especially when marinated in garlic sauce and served on toast. While the service at the restaurant that served me it was lacking I must say that the food was excellent.

Has anybody else tried crickets? When raised properly and cooked under the right conditions they're quite good.

Salvanas 12-11-2008 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mehmet (Post 642893)
To Keaton421,

No im muslim myself and i wouldnt be disgusted or Mindboggled, Its just a sin for us to eat it. We respect what other people eat.

For me i would say Turkish Delight that squishy crap is disgusting even though i am from Turkey. (I was born and still live in Australia though)


Lokum is amazing ;P

KikiBunny23 12-11-2008 06:09 PM

YOu know...there has only been one food I hated...and even before I stopped eating it I hated them.

Chicken wings. They just taste nasty...I've never had wasabi or escargot or anything like that...just the food my mom buys/makes. XD

NinjaKazama 12-11-2008 06:15 PM

Those foods are nasty!! :p
who eats dogs?

xYinniex 12-11-2008 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by NinjaKazama (Post 643084)
Those foods are nasty!! :p
who eats dogs?

Some Koreans and Chinese. [i'm not racist- I'm chinese myself]
I still think its amazing people are unaware of this.
have you been living under a rock?

KikiBunny23 12-11-2008 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by xYinniex (Post 643086)
Some Koreans and Chinese. [i'm not racist- I'm chinese myself]
I still think its amazing people are unaware of this.
have you been living under a rock?

apparently we have because I didn't know that haha....I wonder what it tastes like...-wonders-

superheel 12-11-2008 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Mehmet (Post 642922)
How could people eat DOG?

OH FOR GOD's SAKE! I mean, in countries like Korea, dogs are just somewhat a normal dish for them. But that, that is just insane! But i respect other cultures.

tocrayzay 12-11-2008 07:31 PM

i couldn't knowingly eat dog, i'd think of our family pet...it's one of those foods that's gotta have a name where you can't tell what it is, you try it go mhmmm yummy and then somebody says "you know you just had dog right?"

Arikado 12-11-2008 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by xYinniex (Post 643086)
Some Koreans and Chinese. [i'm not racist- I'm chinese myself]
I still think its amazing people are unaware of this.
have you been living under a rock?

Chinese eat dogs?!?! I've never seen dog on any menus in Taiwan. I must have missed it somewhere along the line. Or are you talking about mainland China? I know there are some pretty wacky things on the menu in China. I know that my mom and her family love that rotten looking duck egg stuff. It just looks like a black mess of terrible to me DX I think I tried it once and it was really salty, but the texture killed me. I guess if you want to appreciate that kind of stuff you have to be full Chinese, hahaha.

wilsontheterrible 12-11-2008 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mehmet (Post 642922)
How could people eat DOG?

Are you asking about the practical approach or the western moral dilemma of eating mans best friend?

[*Warning this contains cooking instructions if you progress past this point I can't be held reponcible for your reaction*] From a strictly mechanical point I would remove the meat around the shoulders and work my way back exempting the legs because it doesn't look like there's much there anyway. Cook some by itself perhaps stewed or roasted, decorate with parsely, and serve with Cabernet Sauvignon for full effect. I can't imagine it would taste good boiled, although stir frying would seem like a good alternative.

From the moal stand point I would start by not seeing it as a good human companion but rather as an affordable opprotunity to experience foreign cuisine (in another country of course unless you like a stiring animal abuse suit). This is easier for some (like me) than others that have a more empathic relationship with animals.

xYinniex 12-11-2008 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Arikado (Post 643127)
Chinese eat dogs?!?! I've never seen dog on any menus in Taiwan. I must have missed it somewhere along the line. Or are you talking about mainland China? I know there are some pretty wacky things on the menu in China. I know that my mom and her family love that rotten looking duck egg stuff. It just looks like a black mess of terrible to me DX I think I tried it once and it was really salty, but the texture killed me. I guess if you want to appreciate that kind of stuff you have to be full Chinese, hahaha.

Yeah, like northern mainland china, nearer there. I believe but hey, I could be wrong.

im pretty much full chinese
Yeah, some of the stuff we eat are pretty sick like birds nest[made from swallows spit', cordyceps which are dried plants that eat insects [like it has a sweet sticky substance that attracts insects but when insects eat it they eat stuck and the plant kills it with its digestive juices', chicken feet- i heart that stuff.

I've seen chickens being killed, my gran owns a few and we kill them and eat them, its normal to me y'know. so i've never been that scared of images of dead animals. call me a bitch, but thats the way it is.

Arikado 12-11-2008 07:59 PM

@wilson: I hope you're not suggesting that you'd kill a dog just to see what it would taste like >.>

Arikado 12-11-2008 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by xYinniex (Post 643137)
I've seen chickens being killed, my gran owns a few and we kill them and eat them, its normal to me y'know. so i've never been that scared of images of dead animals. call me a bitch, but thats the way it is.

My grandfather living in Taiwan has all sorts of farm animals. I don't think I've ever seen him kill any, but he has chickens and hens that lay eggs for him, and this rooster that he loves. He's always going out to feed it and stuff, it's kind of heart warming. But I remember he had this rooster this one time that always chased me around as a kid, it scared me -.-;

Anyway, I'm getting off topic a bit. I mentioned Duran earlier. Has anyone tried or seen Duran? It smells awful and it tastes awful... Even Andrew Zimmer from Bizarre Foods can't keep that down! It's the only food in the world that he can't stand. That says a lot too -.-;;

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