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lizzylouhoo 01-23-2009 04:19 AM

How To Make Okonomiyaki?
When I was in Japan. The family i was staying with had a grill especially for making okonomiyaki. At first i didn't know what to think the dish but then i realized i really liked it. I also had a Japanese foreign exchange student come live with me and she made it too. But i have missed out on what actually goes into it. Does anybody know the recipie for okonomiyaki?:vsign:

StangGuy 01-23-2009 04:55 AM

The recipe depends on which style you are making though the ingredients are usually the same with the exception of soba noodles being used in most versions of Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki. If you search you can find recipes on the internet. One thing my wife insists, is if you can't find Okonomi sauce you shouldn't make Hiroshima style okonomi, she doesn't consider it as important on Kansai style and thinks a blended sauce from soy sauce, barbecue sauce, and sweet and sour sauce is okay.

spicytuna 01-23-2009 09:39 PM

Here's a recipe for both Osaka and Hiroshima style :
Japanese recipes - Japanese food

For best results, get Kupe Mayo and Okomiyaki sauce.

ioturep 01-29-2009 10:32 AM

Thanks for the link!

stuffinjapan 01-30-2009 08:27 PM

The Cabbage
A key to making good okonomiyaki is to chop the cabbage finely. If you don't it won't turn out right.

I always play around with the recipe. Sometimes I might add something like cheddar cheese or Baby Star Ramen.

lizzylouhoo 02-04-2009 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by stuffinjapan (Post 670854)
A key to making good okonomiyaki is to chop the cabbage finely. If you don't it won't turn out right.

I always play around with the recipe. Sometimes I might add something like cheddar cheese or Baby Star Ramen.

thank you for the tips!:)

burkhartdesu 02-05-2009 06:55 AM

Okonomiyaki made me sick in Hiroshima! Maybe it was the healthy dose of mayonaise, or the texture of the noodles mixed with bacon... Generally that's something I like- but I had to excuse myself and barf! Not saying anything about the quality, just didn't sit well with me... but the owners and their giant TV were very friendly :vsign:

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