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Niknaizorai 01-31-2009 12:30 AM

One about rice cookers
I have a Zojiroshi rice cooker. I want to know if the Japanese have a new rice cooker without alluminum pot with teflon paint coating.

I want rice cooker WITHOUT aluminum coated with teflon.

Mine is a bit old so I guess a few new things came up in Japan.


Fumizo 01-31-2009 12:52 AM

Hitachi rice cooker

I've just joined this forum, nice to meet you.

I've searched the rice cooker without aluminum pot you want and found a candicate from Hitachi.

Z-GX180J (The following site is written in Japanese although...)

It has iron pot instead of aluminum one. The concept is to simulate the old Kamado style. It says that the iron pot make rice tasty evenly with plump.

I have never tried this one, but it looks nice.


Niknaizorai 01-31-2009 02:01 AM

Thank you!!

I will check that one out.

Kmurry 02-17-2009 11:15 PM

Here's another question. What is the smallest rice cooker on the market? I have been looking for a personal rice cooker for a while but I am not sure where to look. Any ideas?

survivingonrice 02-17-2009 11:17 PM

why does everyone need a rice cooker...a pot is enough to make rice

Nagoyankee 02-17-2009 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by survivingonrice (Post 676265)
why does everyone need a rice cooker...a pot is enough to make rice

Personally, because I want to wake up to fresh, just-cooked rice at 6:30 in the morning by using the timer function instead of having to get up much earlier and cook rice in a regular pot. :)

kirakira 02-18-2009 12:20 AM

I use the ultrasonic series by 三菱電機 (Mitsubishi). I'd recommend their line over other brands though. Small rice cooker... hmm I think they are all pretty small, usually 6合 is the standard.

Nyororin 02-18-2009 12:38 AM

I don`t believe I`ve ever seen a rice cooker smaller than 3 cups - but with one that size you can usually make just one cup if you want. But with a cheap cooker, unless you have it mostly full the rice won`t cook all that well.

We just recently bought a new one, and when we were looking spotted a few larger sizes that offered a special single serving cooking mode - so that might not be a bad idea.

blimp 02-18-2009 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by survivingonrice (Post 676265)
why does everyone need a rice cooker...a pot is enough to make rice

because it is convenient. you clean (polish) the rice, add the appropriate amount of water, put it on, and then so and so many minutes later when it beeps (or perhaps it plays a tune on the more fancy once) the rice is done. voila! another reason is that here in japan, the stove usually only have two or three burners. using one burner for cooking rice would mean only one or two left for cooking other food. now, i have seen once a stove with four burners in japan, but that was at the house of the CEO of Fiat Japan so I am not sure that counts.

i've got a cheap, but fairly new cooker. can't remember the brand, size is 5.5合though.

and, yes, there are plenty of cookers with "bronze" pots. they are not too cheap though. you can find them anywhere.

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