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zhangxuejing 10-09-2006 04:46 AM

5 Attachment(s)
i can't translate it in English,but i have some pictures about it.

Anubis_Jill 10-17-2006 06:58 PM

I am a sushimi fan!! =]
I wish I could eat japanese cuisine more often, I prefer it anyway. WAY MORE healthier!!:D :D

Vesperd 10-18-2006 06:49 PM

Looks nice, not many sushi bars in london though

maks 10-18-2006 07:05 PM

i never tried sushi.........is it good?

Gwen_Goth 10-19-2006 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Vesperd (Post 1330)
not many sushi bars in london though

you gotta be kidding me! - theres plenty!

an easy one to find is the YO-sushi! in London Victoria - its on the arcade next to the weatherspoons :D - absolutly grat - a little expensive, but such fun

i'm vegetarien, so i dont really eat a whole load of sushi but what i do have is GORGEOUS - tamago is my favorite...

damn im gonna have to go to london again just to get some decent sushi again, theres just NO places here XD

Ash 10-19-2006 12:45 AM

Why Did My Igloo Collapse?
[post removed]

Vesperd 10-19-2006 07:06 AM


you gotta be kidding me! - theres plenty!

an easy one to find is the YO-sushi! in London Victoria - its on the arcade next to the weatherspoons - absolutly grat - a little expensive, but such fun

i'm vegetarien, so i dont really eat a whole load of sushi but what i do have is GORGEOUS - tamago is my favorite...

damn im gonna have to go to london again just to get some decent sushi again, theres just NO places
Huh, you must mean in central London, but not many.. theres one in greenwich if i recal correctly :)

Anubis_Jill 10-19-2006 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by maks (Post 1331)
i never tried sushi.........is it good?

I love it a lot!! But many people have different tastes, if you like sweet tastes I recommend California rolls with ginger slices and a mix of wasabi and oyster or teriyaki/soy sauce. =D *DROOLS*

jddarkdeath 10-27-2006 04:43 AM

Wow, ce clip la etais tres bon! Le rest de cette serie est pas mal non plus!

Japanese food is amazing but realise sushi/sashimi is actualy a chinese creation that was perfected in japan, As much credit as I give the Japanese alot of their culture was borowed.

Im still in that stage in my life that I wouldn't eat blow fish unless I had an ambulance on standby, like a sushi place beside a hospita... ust incase.. then again I wouldn't eat at the sushi place beside the hospital anyways... would make me more nervous.

Ps: Im soo bad at this this was suppost to go into the other thread :( SUMIMASEN!

kainpendragon 10-27-2006 11:34 AM

I just can\'t eat sea food , Give me Cow and chicken and lamb and deer and other things. I tried sushi , I just can\'t get past the seaweed rap or slimy chewy texcture of semi raw or raw fish.

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