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kayasha 04-05-2009 10:40 PM

Special Tea
Hello, I bought this Tea while I was in Japan and I was wondering if some one could translate the instruction as I forgot how to do it



RadioKid 04-06-2009 12:10 AM

With Water:
1) Put tea bag and cold water into a pot (onr or two bags for 1 litter of water).
2) Shake the pot.
3) keep the pot in fridge for one or two hours and serve it with ice.

You can also enjoy it heated by microwave (after kept in fridge).

(note: keeping too long time will spoil the taste.)

With Hot Water:
Put one tea bag and pour hot water (60 degree Celsus).
(After about one minutes,) serve it in small cups.
Adjust the taste by the temperture and time before serving.

[I added my opinion in italic]

kayasha 04-06-2009 01:28 AM

Thank you, i final get a translation YAY, i can use my tea :P

Do you leave the tea bag in the pot while putting it in the fridge?

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