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2dCode 04-09-2009 05:10 AM

I have read this story with Google translate:


Can anyone locate the website of the company or the dedicated site:

各苗のラベルにはQRコード(2次元バーコード)を付 け、専用サイトでくわしい育て方が見られるようにした 。

Any help appreciated.

Thank you.

Nagoyankee 04-09-2009 07:03 AM

I've looked hard but couldn't find a website for that company.

I so want that set of 5 different tomatoes myself! "Ice Lemon"? I wanna taste it right now!

This must be a highly innovative company, though. They seem to have also developed pansies that change colors according to temperatures!

2dCode 04-10-2009 06:54 AM

Nagoyankee thank you for trying! Much appreciated.

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