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UsagiSarah 11-18-2009 02:32 AM

Where is the best place for Pizza in Nagoya?
My first stay in Nagoya was fun and eating japanese food is great but being American and a pizza lover I did miss american styled pizza.

Does anybody know where I could find american styled pizza?

I heard there are Pizza Hut's in Japan, are there any in Nagoya? I will be moving here for 6 months next month and then eventually permanent so it would be pretty cool to have a few tastes of home around.

Any other food information would be fantastic as well, i missed cheddar cheese and whole wheat bread too while i was there and yellow mustard as well.

thanks for any info.

Nyororin 11-18-2009 06:41 AM

There is Pizza Hut coverage for most of Nagoya, along with a few smaller but good places - if you avoid the crap that is Aoki`s and Dominos Japan.
However, you say you`re going to be in Kasugai or Komaki - both of which are not Nagoya, so will cut down your choices quite a lot.

You can find real cheddar cheese in almost every Jusco (Aeon) around Nagoya, and wheat bread is available in bread shops - just not usually in the regular bread corners in grocery stores. For the mustard, I will suggest Jusco again. They stock the classic yellow stuff along with other non-Japanese kinds.

CrystalDoll 11-18-2009 07:56 AM

Is there PAPA! John Pizza in Nagoya?

Nyororin 11-18-2009 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by CrystalDoll (Post 783491)
Is there PAPA! John Pizza in Nagoya?

There are none in Japan.

CrystalDoll 11-18-2009 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 783500)
There are none in Japan.

I am really surprised about your information. It's quite popular here. Are there Pizza Hut in Japan? :confused:

BTW, many people consider PAPA!John is better than Pizza Hut. Hehe~

Nyororin 11-18-2009 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by CrystalDoll (Post 783511)
I am really surprised about your information. It's quite popular here. Are there Pizza Hut in Japan? :confused:

BTW, many people consider PAPA!John is better than Pizza Hut. Hehe~

It isn`t a matter of preference. They just never decided to make any stores in Japan.
There are Pizza Hut, however - and Domino's, although I would say Domino's Japan is quite different from Domino's US.

CrystalDoll 11-18-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 783545)
It isn`t a matter of preference. They just never decided to make any stores in Japan.
There are Pizza Hut, however - and Domino's, although I would say Domino's Japan is quite different from Domino's US.

Oh, I see. I heard the same story before. My foreign friends said, the food of Mcdonald's tastes different in different countries.

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