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karatakid 03-19-2007 05:48 PM

anyone vegeterian?
hello, i just wanted to know if anyone is a vegeterian here. if you are, just say something yaknow, it's just fun to know how many ppl are vegeterian. ;)

sandkunoichi 03-19-2007 07:26 PM

i'm a vegetarian. sandkunoichi pleased to meet a fellow vegetarian!XD

karatakid 03-20-2007 06:20 PM

well... i'm not really a vegetarian but i want to be.. i've tryed several times but then my mom makes like my FAV meat or something so now i just don't eat much meat just a little bit. at dinner. how did you become 1?? can you give me tips?

sandkunoichi 03-21-2007 06:57 PM

oh...well i became one 7th grade...just dropped meat...and my mom would make my favorite food with meat but i was determined to drop meat. it was crazy. Hmmm...tips?...well...resist the temptation..i would think about the poor cows how they will even kill a calve for the meat and stuff or like how the meat gives diseases and stuff...

i got used to it in a few days my parents got mad...but i didn't care it felt right for me...

CoolNard 03-21-2007 07:05 PM

I became a vegetarian for a few weeks once.. I don't know if this will help lol... I was feasting on a pretty huge prawn... and suddenly, I saw it's big black eyes looking up at me blankly... And then i was like, WTH?! The eyes!!!! X_X Oh God, the eyes... It was so gross honestly... So I whenever I ate meat, my mind became filled with images of those lifeless poor eyes... disgusting sight... I always got nauseous after that... >_<" So yeah, just gross yourself out by thinking of all the blood, internal organs... and those 'meat' eyeballss...... staring... bearing grudges.... Lol.. X_X

Excuse me while I go to the washroom to puke my dinner out -_-

carry 03-21-2007 09:40 PM

cool-kun that's grose...i think i'm not gonna be able to eat for a weak xDD thought it's a good idea if you wanna be vegeterian

WarumonoKyo 03-21-2007 10:38 PM

i went veg for a whole summer
but i got really sick
when i went to see the doc he said i had to eat more meat.
he said i didnt have enough iron or something
but i dont eat chicken or anything from KFC..if you call that chicken :rolleyes:

karatakid 03-24-2007 10:00 AM

when i was like eight or so i was veg for a couple days and then a week not and then again a couple days and then i stopped again.... i wanted to be one so badly but then i just couldn't do it.

EbonyVampiria 03-24-2007 10:16 AM

I have been vegetarian for over 10 years and it is going to be easier for some than others, my only sin is I do eat sushi or other japanese fish dishes now and then
As for tips you just need to think of why you want to do it and make it happen - ganbatte!

Tsukikage 03-24-2007 10:19 AM

Im not a vegetarian, but I havent eaten a mcdonalds/kfc/burgerking for over 6 years:p
thats got to count for somthing

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