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CoolNard 09-14-2010 08:01 AM

Nyotaimori or 'Body' Sushi
First off, DON'T worry, there's NO excessively/superfluously GRAPHIC presentation here.

"Nyotaimori, “female body presentation”, is a service allowing restaurant customers to eat from the skin of a naked woman. Apart from her crotch, which is usually covered with some kind of garnish, the model’s modesty depends on the (temporary) position of the food on her body."

"it is claimed that nyotaimori warms the food to body temperature. Apparantly, this allows the diner to focus on the texture and taste, rather than its temperature. However, many people fail to see the advantage of sushi being lukewarm and slightly sweaty."

YouTube - Naked Sushi Premier-Nyotaimori http://www.NakedSushiEntertainment.com


Qayin 09-23-2010 11:36 AM

I heard that it's very unhygiene to eat it like that. You never know how clean her skin is, and what her body condition is. She may catching cold, got some infetious disease, etc. I think it's a bit dangerous.

CoolNard 09-24-2010 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by Qayin (Post 830138)
I heard that it's very unhygiene to eat it like that. You never know how clean her skin is, and what her body condition is. She may catching cold, got some infetious disease, etc. I think it's a bit dangerous.

That's a very good point, Qayin, considering people blatantly know they could be consuming sweat, as well. Perhaps thereis some kind of test or health scan the women have to go through, before performing nyotaimori? I hope they do. O.o

WellThatHurt 09-24-2010 11:54 AM

Ive heard about this. I dont know if i would eat any of it, but it would be cool to witness it. How often do you see a naked woman covered in sushi? I dont know. I probably would try it IF they have proof that the women are clean.

CoolNard 09-24-2010 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by WellThatHurt (Post 830292)
Ive heard about this. I dont know if i would eat any of it, but it would be cool to witness it. How often do you see a naked woman covered in sushi? I dont know. I probably would try it IF they have proof that the women are clean.

Yeah, I'd probably do the same; most guys foreign to this process and in their right frames of mind would, I suppose.

Apart from the hygiene issue, there's also the "dehumanizing" part, but I've read that it's somewhat revered in Japan for feminine and food appreciation.

steven 09-24-2010 12:38 PM

It looks like it's served on leaves on top of her body, not directly touching her body. I've eaten sushi off of leaves like that all the time. In fact, they wrap a local type of sushi in those kinds of leaves all the time.

I dunno what the body heat would do to the food though...

I like how the news reporters act like it is such a daring thing to do. Personally I'd think it'd be a billion times harder to eat sushi off of a big fat naked hairy man than a good looking woman. Not that I'm into the idea of either one of those options.

JamboP26 09-24-2010 12:46 PM

There is a TV programme in Britain called 'Come Dine With Me', where a group of people go to dinner parties at each other's houses and score each other on the whole party. There was one where a guy did this. He got a male friend of his to lay on the table and the sushi was placed on him. It didn't look to appetizing, but I'm sure on a woman, the way it's done in Japan, it is quite delicious. I'd say make sure you take Vitamin C or something for your immune system first though, just in case. lol

CoolNard 09-24-2010 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by steven (Post 830295)
It looks like it's served on leaves on top of her body, not directly touching her body. I've eaten sushi off of leaves like that all the time. In fact, they wrap a local type of sushi in those kinds of leaves all the time.

I dunno what the body heat would do to the food though...

I like how the news reporters act like it is such a daring thing to do. Personally I'd think it'd be a billion times harder to eat sushi off of a big fat naked hairy man than a good looking woman. Not that I'm into the idea of either one of those options.

It looked that way to me too.

Though judging by the website I found and posted in my OP, it sort of suggests that the discretion of restaurants may differ. I mean, there's the "sweat", the "modesty" and "eat from the skin", etc. News reporters probably are appalled by that, and the physical forthrightness of the women. I don't know, so maybe you could enlighten us on that. :)

My friend told me there are instances of male nyotaimori. But thanks for projecting that very explicit information into my head, all the same.

seiki 09-24-2010 01:00 PM

I saw this on television a few years ago they had huge leaves between the skin and sushi.

CoolNard 09-24-2010 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by JamboP26 (Post 830297)
There is a TV programme in Britain called 'Come Dine With Me', where a group of people go to dinner parties at each other's houses and score each other on the whole party. There was one where a guy did this. He got a male friend of his to lay on the table and the sushi was placed on him. It didn't look to appetizing, but I'm sure on a woman, the way it's done in Japan, it is quite delicious. I'd say make sure you take Vitamin C or something for your immune system first though, just in case. lol

Oh yeah, I've seen some episodes of that by chance. Some of them are quite stupid, to put bluntly. That was probably the result of culture clash and the incompatible male/sushi thing. Eew.

Vitamin C and health/hygiene certificates for said restaurants, if you will. :mtongue:


Originally Posted by seiki (Post 830301)
I saw this on television a few years ago they had huge leaves between the skin and sushi.

Yup, I saw it on the same day I posted this up. I had to, since it has the wow-factor. But like what I said in my reply to steven, these might differ. Besides the word choice in the link, it's probably under censorship, so nothing obscene leaks.

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