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Abasio 04-13-2007 05:14 PM

How do you not have a natto thread
The fermented soy beans that is so healthy but so disgustingly disgusting both to the taste & to the nose & to the eye.

It smells of rotten garbage, it looks like something that belongs up a whales nose & tastes of poop!

So do you like it?

It is one of those love it or hate it things.

Japan's answer to Marmite

Abasio 04-14-2007 02:42 AM

Noone's tried this? :eek:
It's more popular than sushi in east Japan ;)

Phrase 04-15-2007 12:20 PM

Let's see...yes, it is disgusting. No, it is nutrion-wise not very healthy.

And technically, only old and very traditional Japanese people eat it.

Abasio 04-15-2007 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Phrase (Post 93297)
Let's see...yes, it is disgusting. No, it is nutrion-wise not very healthy.

And technically, only old and very traditional Japanese people eat it.

Almost every japanese person I've met (I live in East Japan) eats it & goes on about how healthy it is.
Personally I hate it, it tastes like feet.

jasonbvr 04-16-2007 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Abasio (Post 93303)
Almost every japanese person I've met (I live in East Japan) eats it & goes on about how healthy it is.
Personally I hate it, it tastes like feet.

Have you ever noticed that they say that little healthy bit about just about everything you eat.

Chinese do that a lot too. They are like, please order our delicious dog penis. Very good for your virility. However eating testicles can be bad for a woman's health so I don't think they would recommend that.

Green tea is actually fairly good for you because of the antioxidants. But yeah, the only way I can eat natto is very fast followed by something strong like umeboshi.

Kuroneko 04-16-2007 05:05 AM

I used to hate Natto, I would refuse to eat it. but I soon over came it. though its not my favorite Japanese food I can stand to eat it now. But I dont Remember how I came over it.

luna2 04-16-2007 05:09 AM

its looks gross to me
like beans wid microwaved marshmellows in it mixd

samokan 04-16-2007 05:57 AM

I don't like it ..period .. :D

Kuroneko 04-16-2007 06:04 AM

Lol thats funny I thought you would be a person who did like it :D well I know some Japanese People that don't like Natto,

It takes some getting use to I think.

samokan 04-16-2007 06:56 AM

there are a few japanese food that I don't like, Natto is on top of it :D
then next would be wasabi :D ..

Abasio 04-16-2007 01:59 PM

Has anyone tried Kusaiya?

samokan 04-17-2007 01:17 AM

Kusaiya?? have not heard of that.. what kind of food is that??

Abasio 04-17-2007 01:39 AM

It is fish!
But that's not the bad part.
They have vats of this sauce that has been fermenting for 200 years. 200!!! & it absolutely stinks. Worse than any food I've ever tried.
& the taste is like rotten fish, I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth for days. No amount of brushing, gargling or spirits would get rid of it.
I wont be trying that again.

dortorb 04-17-2007 01:44 AM

Uh the smell....!
I lived in Japan for a very long time, ate just about everything you can imagine, even grasshoppers (very good by the way) but could never get past the smell of Natto let alone eat the stuff…oh my! My wife and kids on the other hand eat Natto like it’s going out of style…to each his own I guess…bonappetite!

samokan 04-17-2007 02:07 AM

kusaiya, is a pickled fish with its innards.. Ill remember that. Probably that is where it got its name, kusai ... :D

dortorb 04-17-2007 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by samokan (Post 95164)
kusaiya, is a pickled fish with its innards.. Ill remember that. Probably that is where it got its name, kusai ... :D

Oh yeah, forgot about the dreaded Kusaiya...my first Japanese boss made me try it one night at a company party...I thought I was going to die...take about a taste that stays with you...geez!

Abasio 04-17-2007 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by dortorb (Post 95195)
Oh yeah, forgot about the dreaded Kusaiya...my first Japanese boss made me try it one night at a company party...I thought I was going to die...take about a taste that stays with you...geez!

Lemon hart 151 proof (75.5% abv) straight was the only thing that could burn the taste away.

dortorb 04-17-2007 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Abasio (Post 95201)
Lemon hart 151 proof (75.5% abv) straight was the only thing that could burn the taste away.

Thanks for the advise but I'll never eat Kusaiya again regardless of the possible remedies for that after...after...after taste!


samokan 04-17-2007 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Abasio (Post 95201)
Lemon hart 151 proof (75.5% abv) straight was the only thing that could burn the taste away.

:D so there is always a way.. hopefully I won't be made to eat this food lol...

HappyIchigo 04-20-2007 12:08 PM

just wanted to say that I like to eat natto. it's not my favourite, but I like it. Sure, the smell is aweful, but one can learn to ignore it :D

Ayumii 04-21-2007 02:24 PM

hey.. im not a big fan of natto..
i hav a friend and she absolutely loves it and eats it infront of my and i cant stand the smell it is aweful.. she eats it like she's in heaven..
dont know how she does it! =/

Ayumii 04-21-2007 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Abasio (Post 95123)
It is fish!
But that's not the bad part.
They have vats of this sauce that has been fermenting for 200 years. 200!!! & it absolutely stinks. Worse than any food I've ever tried.
& the taste is like rotten fish, I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth for days. No amount of brushing, gargling or spirits would get rid of it.
I wont be trying that again.

uhh!! yuck!!
that doesnt sound too good.. thanks for the warning.. i will look out for the DISGUSTING-sounding food!

MrsUsagi 05-10-2007 08:07 AM

oh, many guys hate natto!
I'm japanese and often eat natto, and my 1 year old daughter eat them too :p
In Japan, Kansai area(around Osaka) ppl don't eat natto, but Kanto area(around Tokyo) ppl natto almost every day!! As much as American eat Mcdonald's I think.

Demysia 05-10-2007 08:23 AM

I think I know what it is... I don't like it =[
Apparently it is 'the ultimate health-food'

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