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Kayame 04-19-2007 02:02 AM

Ok so there are a few real japanese food resturant, but most in America are fake. I was just wondering 'cause my karate instructor was talking about how is friend went to China, and came back saying the "Chinese" food we have in America is nothing like over there, but I knew that, so I was just trying to figure if it was the same with Japanese food. So I guess if I want "Real" Japanese food I need to go to Japan. I can live with that I guess :D


Salvanas 04-19-2007 08:05 AM

The Japan Food Centre down in London is a nice good Japanese restaurant.

YaksokuDa 04-19-2007 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by jdmgc8 (Post 96173)
American food and Japanese food are of course very different in most parts, but some are very similar

What? American food is all fast and fatty. I think what you meant to say was Japanese food made in America, not american food.

Kir0 04-19-2007 12:14 PM

I was talking to a women at my church who has been to Japan and she said that nothing here is as authentic; from what she has tried. The fish they use there is caught, cooked, and served in the same day. We arn't so lucky. We(me mainly) don't live near the ocean, so our fish isn't as fresh.

Makes sense to me.

Abasio 04-19-2007 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by YaksokuDa (Post 96055)
There was a report saying that the UK has better Chinese food than China, made me laugh.

I've been to china, the chinese food is great, but it's a lot better in england.
England has a really bad reputation for food but consistently has the best food in the world!

jdmgc8 04-19-2007 02:55 PM

There are authentic restaurants here in the states, you just have to look for them. Larger cities like chicago, miami, NYC, LA, of course have better restaurants and quality of service do the higher living cost and population.

Thorwyn 04-19-2007 03:24 PM

One what the hell do you mean all food in the USA is fast and fatty?

Two the few restuarants I have been to were authentic Japanese I do admit though the House of Japan all servers and sushi chef were Japanese but the cooks were mainly Mexican. Sakura I just sat at the sushi bar and chef was from Japan There is one I plan on going to in Pittsburgh and they admit they are Korean but sushi chef is Japanese.I guess it is hard to lie about that with a lot of foreign students from Japan.

Robeto 04-20-2007 02:01 PM

itadaki masu
:vsign: hahaha, you all made me hungry
i'd say that Nihon has the best food, Amerika has some good Nihonjin places
i currently live in Florida, so there all over the place.
but when i went to Okinawa, that food was the best!!!

ai to heiwa,

NanteNa 04-20-2007 02:36 PM

I never tried japanese. Only chinese. >__< The restaurant was owned by chineses ofcourse, and I loved it. Both the restaurant, the people and the food was just amazing - even though it was in Denmark. ^^

Kayame 04-20-2007 09:58 PM

Hmmmm, so there are good Nihon resturants in Eigo cities Cools now all I have to do is find them...sounds easy enough.

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