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seiki 06-20-2007 04:38 PM

dr.pepper is better than coca cola

NanteNa 06-20-2007 04:43 PM

Prefer Pepsi Light. xD Coca Cola doesn't have enough sparkles. *nods*

Kanji_The_Wanderer 06-20-2007 04:47 PM

Well, in my personal opinion Sprite is better then Coca Cola and all other sodas, but that's not the point of this thread. :rolleyes:

If a shop is run by actual Japanese chefs, then I'd say that the quality and taste of the food is pretty accurate, of course different ingredients grow all over the world, and maybe an herb that is added to their food is only present in Japan. Of course the food will be the best in it's country of origin.

I haven't had much Japanese food to put labels, but if you go to a genuine restaurant then I am sure the experience will be enjoyable.:)

Also, I believe that Japanese food in the US or other countries is probably cheaper then in Japan. Anyone know what the cheapest Japanese food is? It's probably Ramen and Sushi.

NanteNa 06-20-2007 05:01 PM

Sprite's made under the brand of Coca Cola. *points finger*

Yet, I've only tried chinese food. Both from restaurants owned by chinese. The food damn rocked!

seiki 06-20-2007 06:21 PM

i've tried it at restaurants owned by chinese people cooked traditionally and non traditional american people and the real stuf is better but i would eat it no matter who made it

Kayame 06-20-2007 09:40 PM

How did we get on the topic of coke. Anyway Rootbeer kicks all your asses :mtongue:

Ok so in short, i should go to japan for good Japanese food

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