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Avary_Ninja 10-27-2006 07:11 PM

Eating Just Like In Japan
In this thread post information about the good must-go-to japanese restaurant from your hometown or homeland. Just in case we happen to travel there ^_^

In my city there is a high-end japanese restaurant opened last year on the big "tourist trap" Grande-All�e street.

Ginko Restaurant Japonais catered at the Japanese exposition of the Summer Fair. I've had the best Udon noodles ever there. ^_^

Ginko Restaurant Japonais website : Ginko Restaurant Japonais

Hisuwashi 10-27-2006 07:29 PM

Do you live somewhere in France?

Avary_Ninja 10-27-2006 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Hisuwashi (Post 3287)
Do you live somewhere in France?

Oho! Not that side of the Atlantic ^_^

Hisuwashi 10-27-2006 08:01 PM

Je sais le fran�ais. Alors... vous habitez au Qu�bec ?

Cependant je n'ai trouv� pas un bon restaurant japonais dans mon ville encore. Mais je l'ai trouv� � Birmingham (o� mes grands-parents habite) qui s'appelle "Shogun Teppanyaki". Il m'a vraiment plu!

Shogun - Index

Avary_Ninja 10-27-2006 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Hisuwashi (Post 3299)
Je sais le fran�ais. Alors... vous habitez au Qu�bec ?

Cependant je n'ai trouv� pas un bon restaurant japonais dans mon ville encore. Mais je l'ai trouv� � Birmingham (o� mes grands-parents habite) qui s'appelle "Shogun Teppanyaki". Il m'a vraiment plu!

Shogun - Index

Oyo! A winner is you! ^_^

Excellent effort on the French too. *high fives the Ninja way*

ContractKiller 10-27-2006 08:31 PM

Eat-eng Just Like In Japan.

Hisuwashi 10-27-2006 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Avary_Ninja (Post 3308)
Oyo! A winner is you! ^_^

Excellent effort on the French too. *high fives the Ninja way*

Merci bien! ...I'm surprised I got that right.

Avary_Ninja 10-30-2006 09:30 AM

Whenever I go to Place Laurier I go straight to L'Imaginaire to check out new arrivals of manga, anime and comics, then I never miss to stop at Koya Japon to grab a bite. As far as fast-food goes Koya offers superior quality menu with fresh ingredients and satisfying servings. The manager is a nice Japanese lady who likes me a lot. When she sees me she says "Hello baka! You take the special". Isn't that nice? ^_^

EbonyVampiria 10-31-2006 11:34 AM

well at least you are welcomed there with their weird sense of humour hehehehehe

Avary_Ninja 10-31-2006 12:37 PM

What do you mean?

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