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SakuraSan 05-05-2007 06:08 PM

My Japanese Birthday party...Help a friend out?
Heyy its Katie =]
And i know its a little early but ive started think about my birthday party.
Im gonna be 14 and i want rice,noodles and sushi at my party.
Sushi is easy to find-You can buy it in marks and sparks,But i wanna try Ramen! Dopes anyone know where i could buy it from here in england? Please help! and if you dunno will you send me a link to a website with a recipe?

Please Help!
And Thanks..
Love yeh allllll...
Kechi <333

musashi 05-05-2007 06:22 PM

I usually cheat and just go to the store or a resturant....but i'll look around for you.....

SakuraSan 05-05-2007 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by musashi (Post 113232)
I usually cheat and just go to the store or a resturant....but i'll look around for you.....

Heehee Thanks =]
I dont mind going to a store, but i cant think of anywhere =]
Cheers :vsign:

musashi 05-05-2007 06:37 PM


there, that is a thread i found....but it's to make your own sushi....i'll keep looking though

SakuraSan 05-05-2007 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by musashi (Post 113261)

there, that is a thread i found....but it's to make your own sushi....i'll keep looking though

Ooo That looks soo cool!!!!!!!
Ill have to make my own everything-Everyone'll get food poisoning,but hey-I dont care!
Thanks alot =]

musashi 05-05-2007 07:51 PM

lol.....just invite me! I had a Japanese party for my 14th b-day, so i know what your doing...lol

Demysia 05-06-2007 03:29 AM

Ooh lala, that sounds like fun
I'd just go to a nice sushi bar xD

glaylover 05-09-2007 05:57 PM

If you don't mind instant or pre pack ramen try the japan centre's food shop downstairs or online at Japanese food | Japan Centre: online food, kitchenware, magazines and book shopping

SakuraSan 05-09-2007 06:26 PM

thanks everyone =]
But i dont think my town has a sushi place >=[
I know...STUPID ENGLAND! lol
Thanks for all your hellllp.

Camui 06-02-2007 04:19 AM

I can find Ramen noodles at any grocery store (even dollar stores around where I live) in the US.

Are you sure there isn't any at your local grocer?

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